I lot of us got the weird idea that armegeadon was coming back in 75 which the magazine publishing companie denies having suggested.
by badboy 19 Replies latest jw friends
Getting up during the song to go the the drinking fountain was such a earth-shattering issue that a Local Needs part needed to be delivered. Yes, apostasy and drinking fountains: the two greatest threats to spiritual health !
Yes, it seemed that everybody believed that a dozen men in Brooklyn were
spirit-directed, but not inspired, and nobody could really give a satisfactory
explanation of that.Everybody believed that they HAD to observe the anniversary of Christ's death
by attending a meeting where wine and crackers were passed around, yet
nobody ate or drank.People in my cong. actually thought it was a good idea to bang on other people's
front doors every Saturday morning, selling them WT literature and trying to
tell them we weren't there to convert them- yet we really were.My entire congregation didn't bat an eye in 1995 when the organization changed
one of their core doctrines concerning time.Other than stuff like that, we had our mix, but not a spirit of twisted thinking that
really stands out. -
Does a Bible study peeing all over the floor count?
Does a Bible study peeing all over the floor count?
Mine was big on "spare the rod, spoil the child." I remember the bible study of one sister had three little kids and was trying to attend meetings regularly. The sister took it upon herself to teach one of the little ones how to behave at meetings. Everytime the poor little girl fidgeted and started crying, she would jerk her up and take her to the restroom and spank her. The bible study allowed this!!! To me that was sick and twisted.
When someone would leave the org they would say it was jehovah that got them out because their heart was not straight.
But they had their valid reasons to leave they left precisely because the JWs were not a genuine religion let alone a genuine Christian religion.
choosing life
Sick and twisted? How about 2 witnesses to child molestation? How about using the blood banks to the full and then claiming you abstain from blood? Can't get much more sick and twisted than that!
You bet! One of the elders that nailed me was caught in adultery with the kids mother I was babysitting, when I was 14, but he wasn't caught until years later. One had a wife that died of a heart attack at the approximate age of 40, their daughter weighed in at 300 pounds at age 11, ...this elder was a real piece of work...There was another special boy straight out of Bethel...he hated my guts and wanted me fried...He wound up having a red haired demon of a little boy....don't know what happened with him.
Twisted elders? Yes, but I don't know where they are or what they have become,.... big twisted boys all of them.
For all I know they could be on this forum at this point in their lives.
Yes indeed, I experienced twisted.More from the elders than the rank and file members though. About 4 years ago when my methamphetamine druggie wife left me after verbally and physically abusing me throwing things down hallways in anger , the supremely intelligent elders told me that I should take her back if she wanted to come back to me. They said," Maybe you can just visit your kids away from her not at your house, when she's not there with you." Of course I told them to go take a flying leap, that I don't sacrifice my kids for anybody ever. That body of elders had it out for me from then on. Too bad for them, I moved to a peaceful place 80 miles away. Then left the org