What will be the Reaction to Barbera Anderson`s New CD?

by OUTLAW 74 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • seven006

    Formatting test 2




    Seven006..Good Morning Dave!..Just about to log off and saw you were kick`n around..Hope your well..Can you finally make a paragraph yet?..LOL!!..I`m told you did the art work for Barbera Andersons new CD..Nice work Bud!..As usual!!.....I`m off to town,got to pick up supplies..Take care of yourself..And..Pop in more often..We love hearing from you!...OUTLAW

  • FlipThis

    I think, like so many other projects we've hoped for....

    not much.

    God bless Barbara, but the fact of the matter is that we're in a losing battle...

    The only thing we can hope for is support from one another. Anyone that thinks we (or anyone else) are going to make a major impact in that religion is joking themselves...

  • BizzyBee

    I think, like so many other projects we've hoped for....

    not much.

    God bless Barbara, but the fact of the matter is that we're in a losing battle...

    The only thing we can hope for is support from one another. Anyone that thinks we (or anyone else) are going to make a major impact in that religion is joking themselves...

    I respectfully disagree.

    There is no ONE thing that will bring everyone out of the WTS. Many JWs would not be budged even if Teddy J walked down Broadway in a wedding gown with his underpants on his head carrying a sign saying "WE WERE WRONG - ABOUT EVERYTHING." But they are a dying breed. The credibility of the WTS is daily being chipped away by the free flow of accurate, verifiable information. The offensive attack on education and the internet being waged by the WTS, the challenge of the Sept. KM (a virtual 'loyalty oath'), the changes in FS (from 'preaching' to dropping off leaflets), are all evidence that the very survival of the WTS is threatened and they are feeling it.

  • DannyHaszard

    Our water glass is 9/10th's full we already won I'am just here to watch the WT crash

    I was once asked about doing a daily talk show on Jehovah's Witnesses topic,my reply was nobody will tune in because everybody already knows they suck.

    That's right 90% of the general population lumbs JW's with scientologist


    As regards followers which include 4 gens of my family who are still in EVERY SINGLE ONE will fail by growing old and dying some will die a premature death from not taking care of their longterm health care like hypertension,diabetes thinking that the new system is gonna cure em (me bad teeth from no dental care and my colostomy bag from poor care of my ulcerative colitis 1970-1998)

    Failure by no paradise no armageddon to destroy apostates no heavenly hope.

  • FlipThis
  • FlipThis

    The offensive attack on education and the internet being waged by the WTS, the challenge of the Sept. KM (a virtual 'loyalty oath'), the changes in FS (from 'preaching' to dropping off leaflets), are all evidence that the very survival of the WTS is threatened and they are feeling it.

    but the fact of the matter?

    They've endured everything thus-far and they will endure everything we throw at them.

    Fact of life.

    We (as a whole) may force 'some' changes (mostly in their rationale, or tactics), but the fact of the matter is that we can't make a dent in their 'perfect world'.

    Meaning, the ones that benefit the most from this cult will not NEVER feel the effects.

    I don't mean we shouldn't keep up with things like this. If one person is saved; it's a success.

    But I've been watching people for years get so excited about the prospect that the WBTS will fall, that I feel the need to inform them that they'll be waiting longer than those that buy into the WBTS crap.

    It's just a simple fact that I think everyone should recognize.

    even in the event that they dwidled in numbers, with little to no advancement; the amount of money they have alone would take hundreds of years to topple.

  • flipper

    Hello you all, had to chime in on the positive side again. If each one of us does what he or she is able to do to make known this molestation issue with the witnesses public, it might have more of an impact than some of you think. I know that some on this board including myself have sent letters to editorials in newspapers in our own local areas. If any of us are able to cause a stir in the media, whether it be written or visual, it may have an effect. Also, hunting street witnesses down and "witness" to them with copies of the news releases of the molestation settlements, informing them. When these witnesses come to your door, have the courage to speak out for what is right, go get your copies of the news letter about this stuff and give it to them ! If we go on the offensive then they will be forced to acknowledge that it happened! Go to a local kingdom hall incognito, and leave 5 or 6 or more flyers in their windshield wipers during their meetings! By constantly keeping this in the forefront, we won't let it get stale, unnoticed. Remember the squeaky wheel gets the oil. Just some ideas folks, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • kicky

    the changes in FS (from 'preaching' to dropping off leaflets), are all evidence that the very survival of the WTS is threatened and they are feeling it.

    Is this confirmed or just speculation?

  • BizzyBee

    I guess we'd have to define terms - what circumstances would satisfy your notion of 'fall' as in the "fall of the WTS"? What would it's demise look like? Seventy percent of its membership gone? 60%?

    I don't see the current status of the WTS as the same ol,' same ol.' They are fighting a real giant now, not some mythical straw Satan-boogie-man or "Babylon the Great," the UN, false religion, science, evolution, or the Catholic Church. The puny little WTS loved to take on those biggies who wouldn't bother to fight them. But the Internet is giving them a run for their money. And the WTS, the dinosaur who refused to keep up with he world it occupies, is losing.

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