What will be the Reaction to Barbera Anderson`s New CD?

by OUTLAW 74 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • kicky

    Is it confirmed that the Fld Service work is only handin gout pamphlets and not preaching? Is this now or future? Has this been discussed on another thread?

  • FlipThis

    I guess we'd have to define terms - what circumstances would satisfy your notion of 'fall' as in the "fall of the WTS"? What would it's demise look like? Seventy percent of its membership gone? 60%?

    I don't see the current status of the WTS as the same ol,' same ol.' They are fighting a real giant now, not some mythical straw Satan-boogie-man or "Babylon the Great," the UN, false religion, science, evolution, or the Catholic Church. The puny little WTS loved to take on those biggies who wouldn't bother to fight them. But the Internet is giving them a run for their money. And the WTS, the dinosaur who refused to keep up with he world it occupies, is losing.

    I wouldn't count forcing the society to lose 20-30-40% (or even 50%) of it's following to be success at all, in those regards (of a 'falling')

    I don't think anything that has come out so far will achieve anything close to that, either...

    I've been in this 'fight' for a long-long time.

    It's not going to happen.

  • kicky

    Is it confirmed that the Field Service work will only entail handing out pamphlets and not preaching? Is this now or future? Has this been discussed on another thread?

  • sir82
    Is it confirmed that the Field Service work will only entail handing out pamphlets and not preaching?

    It has been speculated that this is the direction that the Society is heading, and it is a reasonable conclusion.

    Over the past 2 years, there have been 4 special tract-only, brief-presentation campaigns, lasting from 3 to 4 weeks each. They have already confirmed another "Invitiation to the Memorial" tract-only campaign next year as well.

    Moving in this direction makes sense economically (as the tracts are cheaper to produce) and motivationally (it's easier to get people out there if they don't have to prepare much).

    I would expect that in maybe 5-10 years time, the preaching work will consist primarily of leaving tracts, and only leaving bigger pieces of "literature" at return visits.

    But there is nothing "official" in any of this.

  • Dagney
    Is it confirmed that the Field Service work will only entail handing out pamphlets and not preaching? Is this now or future? Has this been discussed on another thread?

    I have thought for years, prior to my exit, that the "tract work" was a very efficient work door2door. In fact the last few years of my d2d was with a tract, not the magazines. They were on a Biblical topic, and a householder who wanted to pursue a discussion would. Nobody needs the info in the Wat and Awake. More of the "simplification" plan maybe? Actually, I think it makes sense for "the Corporation" it is!

  • seven006

    I talked with Barbara for almost two hours the night she called me to discuss the art for her CD cover. We talked a little about the impact of the information in the CD as well as media coverage concerning it afterwards. From what I understood from her, it is not her intention to try and bring down the watchtower or get any selfish personal revenge. What her “main” objective seems to be, is to make the general (non JW) public aware of how the watchtower society operates and covers up situations as important as this, and the blood issue. That is what really scares the hell out of them.

    Take care all you crazy people, Dave


    Seven0006..Dave,thanks for stopping by on this thread..Your insight is very much appreciated..And ..Your "Art" Rocks!!..Take care of yourself Bud...OUTLAW

  • seven006

    You bet old buddy. I couldn’t have jumped into a better guys thread.

    Hugs and kisses you old cowboy pervert you.


  • FlipThis

    all that makes perfect sense seven...

    and again, if it educates anyone in the public eye (even one family), and they keep their children safe. THAT is success.

  • jeanV

    Not much on the part of the Dubs.

    There has always been schocking things in the organization.

    Wife swapping, fraud, adultery, all kinds of immorality, lying, and we could go on and on but

    the excuse is that jehovah continues to cleanse the organization.

    When one is brainwashed by a cult they will jump off a cliff when the order is given.

    That's what my ex.. said if the GB tells her to do so.

    I am with you sspo.

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