God Is Love

by freeme 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • freeme

    How is this possible?

    JWs are told that Jehovah IS love and that his love his higher than any other love. It is actually more intense that the love of parents to their child.

    So the question is:

    What type of parents would actually MURDER their son if he were gay and KILL their daughter if she smokes?
    (plus a thousand more examples like "blood transfusion", "doubting the JW doctrine", "wear too sexy clothings", "having a weak faith in things that cant be proved nor seen", etc)

    i was wondering about this one even when i was a child.


  • RAF

    (to me) love is about let my kid free (free will) to make his own decision (the only thing I can do is teaching him whatever I can to help - so of course then it depends on what I've teached him and how he understood it) the difference here is that as parents we are not God, and as human we may fail a lot before to get the point and being able to teach the right things from our own understanding and what we lean to - but a kid is not always supposed to be influence by his parents he can think for him/herself too (that's the good part of free will) in regard to what he lean to him/herself.

    All the troubles comes from bad influences ... when it doesn't allow to treat the other one as well as we would like to be treated ...

  • LearningToFly

    Exactly my question Free! What kind of God? Not the kind of God I want anything to do with. Been there done that.. and was mentally scarred as a child from those teachings.

  • eclipse
    (to me) love is about let my kid free (free will) to make his own decision (the only thing I can do is teaching him whatever I can to help - so of course then it depends on what I've teached him and how he understood it) the difference here is that as parents we are not God, and as human we may fail a lot before to get the point and being able to teach the right things from our own understanding and what we lean to - but a kid is not always supposed to be influence by his parents he can think for him/herself too (that's the good part of free will) in regard to what he lean to him/herself.

    What good is free will when you are killed for using it?

    Are there evil people? yes.

    Are you evil? Am I? Do you murder people?

    Do you / I steal from them? Do you / I intentionally hurt them for sport? I will venture to say, no we don't.

    Love is about letting people make mistakes, not punishing them for it.

    What good is free will when you were created to fail?

    I do not see how god can have any love at all, when I, as an imperfect human being, have more love in my pinky finger for the plight of human kind than god does in his entire being.

    Having your self/son murdered is loving, HOW?

    What did it do? Nothing. Nothing has changed for 2000 years.

    The world has gotten better due to human scientific progress, but the religions that Christ inadvertantly sparked kept us in the ignorant DARK AGES till now.

    I am not saying religious people are evil. The leaders are. They are making money off of you. They have control over your emotions and your thought process.

    Religions are the root of all suffering. If there was no religion, only people who loved their neighbour as themselves, there would be less judgemental ones who would be able to control how people live their lives, because we as free thinking people, would not let them!.

    God is an integral part of religion.

    God isn't love. He's an illlusion we delude ourselves with because we were raised to believe he exists.

    I would rather be a good person just for the sake of being a good person, not for the benefit of being ''saved'' because I recognised a deity.

    If God was love, it would of created us perfectly without the ability to ''make mistakes'', without the ability to do harm, without the ability to hurt our fellow man. Because he created that ability he is not love at all.

    And if God is not love, then God does not exist, and if he does exist, I would not want to worship that selfish sonuvab*tch in the first place.

  • Terry

    Emotions are involuntary physical responses.

    Emotions stem from how we view things on a wide scale of values.

    LOVE is our strongest reaction to our greatest values.

    When we assert that the greatest being is God we cannot help but posit that the greatest being has the greatest value. Consequently; God is love.

    LOVE has no existence, however. It is us experiencing ourselves with a profoundly affected mindset.

    So too with God.

    Whatever condition our consciousness is in will affect how we are able to value the contents of our mind on a scale from hate to love.

    Crazy people will have crazy love and a crazy God.

    Wonderful people will have wonderful love and a wonderful God.

    Both LOVE and GOD are in the mind of the one experiencing the emotion and the projection.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    God in the WT is whatever they need him to be.

  • nvrgnbk
  • RAF

    BTW when I hear something like God is love or Jesus loves you ... I feel kind of bothered
    to me God is everything and Jesus is maturity (= experience) maybe love comes out of it

  • greendawn

    That's typical FDS duplicity, when you say something ten times one way and one time another way no doubt the ten ways will win. By far the FDS describes their god either directly or indirectly as anything but a loving person, instead he portrays him as severe, exacting, vengeful and easily angered.

  • nvrgnbk

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