Get to know the truth and the truth will set you free. The JW truth enslaves therefore it can't be the genuine truth. It is a lie.
I Need a Sermon--I'm starving for some spiritual food!
by journey-on 34 Replies latest jw friends
Well, not quite a sermon, but here are a couple of scriptures that I find useful. ;) I'll quote them from the NWT for nostalgia.
Prov.27:22 Even if you should pound the foolish one fine with a pestle in a mortar, in among cracked grain, his foolishness will not depart from him.
Prov.13:20 He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly.
Cellist -
AK - Jeff
I guess not MP3 but streaming audio would be more correct.
Why, bless you for asking!
I'll just pass on something I told a nice man that I met today – I was at the Berkeley fleamarket, and a sweet guy was playing trumpet outside the BART station (the fleamarket is in the parking lot). He had a lot of concerns about "staying pure," "not being attached," and "staying positive."
I gave him a couple of simple conjure tricks, because
sometimestoo often, when he meditates, he's forced to deal with "the negative" – childhood demons, old misapprehensions, bitter life lessons. You know I believe in bigger and better Ooga Booga, so I told him to tell his spiritual allies: "I need happiness and rejoicing just as much as I need these hard life lessons."And that word pure jumped up and hit me on the ear, so I told him: "You have to be pure something – pure pain, pure hell, purely ignorant – best to be purely yourself. Because, if we are all part of the divine – if God expresses Itself as you, in your existence – then "my will" is already aligned with, or a subset of, "Thy will" – your will is already a part of God's will. So all you really need to do is to align that piece of God's will with pleasure, kindness, and the Golden Rule."
gently feral