hubby told jw mother i'm pregnant ....

by dobbie 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • dobbie

    So i'm 11wks pregnant (hooray!) and hubby has been undecided whether to even bother telling his jw lot about it as they are shunning me (d'ad) and have hardly anything to do with him or kiddies.

    Anyway he was away yesterday and she rang him just to find out train times (only reason she ever rings cos she wants him to fiddle her cheap tickets), he said 'by the way youre gonna have another grandchild soon' what did she say was she pleased did she say congratulations?Hell no!"Oh right" then silence, then "Well i won't be allowed to see it anyway will i seen as D's d'ad herself". So then he replied that i have always said if she wants to see the kids she is always welcome at our house. To which she says shes not allowed to and if we want her to see them he has to take them to their house (no way the last time she was alone with my eldest she tried to get him to say he wanted to go to meetings).Hubby told her hes fed up with the daily shunning i get and he wants to bang their heads together those that do it at the school he says i've done nothing wrong except to not believe it, she says i have cos i celebrate xmas (after i left).Then says how hard my sis in law finds it to ignore me because my son is her nephew - how do they think i feel being ignored everyday when all i wanted was to enjoy taking my little boy to school and back, now i dread it though i don't let them see that. Then she says her elder husband wants to know how hubby feels about my sign on the door saying no religious callers - but he changed the subject cos i know they are on his trail now too.

    Anyway sorry to rant, i just think its sad that religion comes before her own kids and grandkids, she even had the nerve to mention blood and saying i'd probably have it and give it to the kids if they needed it - umm definately yes!!! One good thing thats come out of it though is hubby sort of standing up against her as hes usually scared stiff of her, she sent him to school with a black eye once, not the nicest of people!

  • Gopher

    Sorry to hear you're going through this too, it's nauseating and too-familiar.

    My JW parents drive thousands of miles to visit other friends and family in this state, and won't drive a few extra miles to see my sister or me (or their grandchildren).

    The door has been held open for them for a long time, but they always slam it shut. They have their pseudo-family, the ready-made shallow family provided them by the WT Society. It's the "family" they deserve, they can have it.

    Religion comes ahead of family, thanks to the cold-hearted bastards at the WT Society. They've got people running scared, and the control they have over their members is amusing to them.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Congrats dobbie ... from MY experience dubs USE kids for emotional blackmail - ignore your in-laws and enjoy your pregnancy/child

  • eclipse

    Congratulations on your pregnancy!

    Do not let your in-laws take away the joy that you should be feeling at this exciting time.

    If they are going to treat you that way, then they have no right to be around your children,

    and if they want to, they can be with them at your home.

  • carla

    Congrats! Sorry about the dub family though. Glad to see hubby is finding his backbone, good for him! Thanks for yet another story about the dubs and their inablity to love. Yet another story about how this cult changes ones God given natural affections for family. Their loss, adopt a set of grandparents if needed, lots of lonely older folks out there that would love to have youngsters around to spoil and get silly with.

  • Scully

    Congratulations on the pregnancy, Dobbie!

    I understand the frustration and everything else you described. My JW relatives do the same kind of thing with us too. They contact us when it is to their advantage to do so (usually to do with $$$$$), but it's never reciprocated. They've taken a very clear position that Mr Scully is not allowed in their home because the congregation declared him DAd. Why on earth would I visit them or allow my children to visit them when they choose to disrespect my husband? Why would I validate that behaviour on their part by giving them time with me or my children. They're the ones who choose to shun, why shouldn't they have a taste of their own medicine?

    For years, I tried to coddle their oh-so-sensitive consciences, and all that did was validate to them that they could have their cake and eat it too. They chose loyalty to The Truth™ over loyalty to family. I say let them have their precious Truth™, and let them see whether their loyalty to the Organization™ is repaid in kind when it comes time for them to go to a nursing home, because I will not spend one red cent or a single moment of my time on their care when they are old and can no longer look after themselves. Let the Organization™ take care of them.

  • GermanXJW

    Congrats, but the reaction of your "family" makes me...

  • Bobbi

    Congratulations on the new baby!!!! Hope you are feeling well. A new life is always something to be celebrated.


  • dobbie

    Thanks guys i know i shouldn't be surprised at her really, but i though maybe somewhere in there might be a heart!

    Scully i am with you in this, i have also had enough of being treated like this, strangely enough my sis in law shuns me yet a couple of months ago they couldnt get a babysitter so got my hubby to get me to do it - then went back to shunning me again, so i have decided to finish with the lot of them, its not a case of me trying to get my own back but that its the only way to move on past them and their rubbish and get on with our lives, while they're still stuck waiting for the big A. The fact i have realised is that in their eyes cos i d'ad everything is my fault, even them not seeing their grandchildren, but its rubbish she didn't even visit my 2yr old in hospital who was v poorly recently, told hubby it was because of me!Theres no reasoning with them and if they can't be pleased about a new life or the smashing kids we have they're not worth it to be honest. The total mind control is so apparent its scary, i'm considerring doing a will and naming guardians for the boys in case anything happened to us, just to try and make sure as much as poss that the boys wouldn't fall into their hands.

  • MadTiger

    Don't let any vampires suck the joy out of you and your husband's great news.

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