hubby told jw mother i'm pregnant ....

by dobbie 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • changeling

    Congrats on the new baby! Take care of yourself and have a wonderful pregnancy and beautiful baby!


  • LeslieV

    Congrats on your new baby. Babies are wonderful!!!!!!!!!!

    Look at it for what it is. THANK GOD they are shunning you and your kids....they will have no influence over them. I left when my kids were in elementary and middle school. My family, nor my elder ex-husband's family have had nothing to do with them as they were growing up.. I Da'd myself also, but they Da'd my kids also.

    For your encouragement.............all of them are now college educated, loving, compassionate young woman, and look at the JW religion as a cult.


  • Es

    Congrats Dobbie thats awesome news about your preg...not so awesome about your MIL.

    My folks are the same

    all the best

    luv es

  • dobbie

    Thanks guys, i know we are really happy at the thought of another little one, hopefully it'll be third time lucky and no problems this time round! This time i won't have to worry about blood issues or any of that stuff, and this baby will be nothing at all to do with the jws, i'm so glad we're out of it!

    Leslie thanks for thst its comforting to know. The jws aren't totally shunning the kids though, in fact at school they deliberately walk up to me say hello to the children (which really annoys me cos my 2yr old doesnt have a clue who they are) and ignore me, i will say something soon if they keep it up as its pigging rude tbh!

    Hi Es!How are you all doing, how are your gorgeous children?

  • ex-nj-jw

    Congrats dobbie!! as midwich said - ignore them and have a happy pregnancy!!


  • greendawn

    Congratulations for the coming baby. The JW shunning has no foundations anywhere in the Bible or in common decency. It's a resentful reaction, they can't accept the fact that somene left their fold even if there were good reasons. They are never interested in these they just put the error on the other party which is of course is something very arrogant.

  • collegegirl21

    Congrats!!! I'm sorry that your family is treating you like that. If they want to see your kids bad enough then they will make the effort to come to your house.

  • free2think

    Congrats Dobbie, thats fantastic news.

    Im really sorry your dub family are treating you so badly tho.


  • skeeter1

    Congrats on the pregnancy!!!! Try to relax, take yoga, eat well, buy expensive pillows, etc.

    Write your in-laws off. You will be much happier. If they were around, they'd be planning "sleepovers" for their grandchildren & "weekends" away with them. You'd only find out that it was sneaking them to meetings & conventions. There would be presents of JW books, and they'd ask to read the Bible to your children.

    I didn't allow a grandparent to read Noah's flood. I got a big disapproving eye for that! I said that that story is too frightening for little children, and that it was illogical and not supported by did kangaroos get to Austrailia? That put a stop to it, but then there was Memorial. They put on a righeous attitude about remembering Christ, and asked if my kids could come. They shut up after I said, "Johnny, Grandpa thinks about Christ only once a year at the Memorial. You know Megan's church that we went to a few weeks ago with her....she thinks about Christ every time she goes as there is bread & wine served." The grandparents were mad and said, "The Bible says to celebrate it once a year, not every week." To which I said, "No, it says to 'keep doing this' but doesn' t give a timeframe. If it was a Passover feast, then you should be celebrating Passover as well." That put a stop to that.

    In short, there would be snide remarks meant to ruin your and your children's Christmas & other Holidays. You will always be on your toes when they are around your kids. Forget the Norman Rockwell scene with the grandparents around the Christmas tree. That's not going to happen. You pick your friends, not your family. But, you can unpick or limit family as well.

    I limit my contact with my Dubber family. I say as little as possible to them. I rarely call them & see them only about once a quarter when one comes to visit. I monitor the kid's contact with them. I took Blondie's advice, and I told them that I have "concious objections" to the leadership. When I try to tell them the lies about the Truth, it turns back on me with canned lines from the Society. But, this last time I got a great reply, "Skeeter, go write the Society about your questions....I'm just a mere MS." I'd dealing with sick, brainwashed individuals. I've stopped beating my head against the wall, as I'm only getting a concussion.


  • Purza
    i know i shouldn't be surprised at her really, but i though maybe somewhere in there might be a heart!

    I go through this every time I deal with my mother. I always think things are getting better and I have a shred of hope for a normal relationship; then BAM she blindsides me with something from JW land. So just know it happens to others from time to time.

    Congrats on the pregnancy. Please take care of yourself and that baby!


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