I just unfortunately came back from the JW convention and ive only heard their side of the story i know that they use mind control tactics but i need to know what is wrong with there doctrines biblically. I took a king james bible and seemed like what the were saying about the bible was true. Im never going to try going back to that religion again but i need to know that the only thing wrong with their religion isnt the mind control tactics they use. It seems like they follow the bible to a nose.
Whats Wrong With the JW doctrines
by Lotus65 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hi Lotus,
Welcome to the board. I am not a bible scholar at all but please tell me where in the bible it is written that Jesus returned in 1914. Just trying to help.
This is something little - but where in the bible does it say not to celebrate your birth? Where does it say in the King James version of the bible that Jehovahs' Witnesses are the only true religion? Just a few things to ponder.
What struck me was the lack of true love in the organization. You'll find out with time, that its only conditional love that they dish out.
It seems like they follow the bible to a nose.
No they follow what the Watchtower tells them the Bible says.
They would be lost without the WT telling what to believe from one day to the next.
One of the strangest remarks I've read in a WT publication is "If you read the Bible on your own you will start to believe what Christendom teaches."
In other words you will start to believe in things like salvation is a gift, not to be worked for. That Jesus is the only way to salvation and is your Mediator, and not just to some group of "anointed" ones. . That there is an immortal soul that lives after death.
Its only by the WT telling you not to believe such things that JW's do, not by any reading of the Bible
Since the JW's expect the end of the world any day now since the last 100 + years, this means that you're in a constant "end of the world" mode, which will stop you from going ahead with your life and projects. Then when you will realize that you lost many years of your life and when you see constant flip flops on their teachings, you will wake up to the fact that they are NOT inspired by God.
thx i mainly need to know if the stuff they said about the trinity was true cause i cant find it in the bible
I wondered about that too when I started reading the bible after learning the truth about the "truth" so I asked and got many replies here...
Happy reading!
I don't believe in the Trinity either.....nor do I believe in 5 meetings a week or strict control over people's lives....
Love- very limited in scope.
Charity- they don't have any for non-JW's.
Honesty- they aren't truthful about themselsves or their history
Bloodguilt- they are responsible for the deaths of probably thousands of people who followed the medical advice/rules of the WT leaders in the past 100 years.
99.9% of the world rejects the JW lifestyle and their teachings. That many people can't all be wrong.