To what extent has pms/pmdd affected you and relationships?

by FreedomFrog 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • smellsgood

    Freedom Frog, that is tragic and I really feel for you! Now along with all your research, have you come across a suitable treatment that may help?

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    FF - Definitely, talk with an MD or Psychiatrist (who is also an MD). They can help you sort it out and find what works for you. What works for some may not work for others. I've begun Prozac again, which I was told years ago is the drug of choice for PMS, but I am ready to experiment with something that doesn't kill my sex drive. My psychiatrist told me Welbutrin might be an alternative, but we decided to stick with the Prozac for now, since it works well for me, and I've been feeling a bit in crisis lately. One of the main reasons I ended up going off the Prozac was complete loss of libido, as well as the cost. Now I can get it at Target - (competing with Hell-Mart) - in generic for $4-/month! Last time it was $80! What's up with that shite?! Anyhoo, for the extreme anxiety/anger, I am trying something called Klonipin in very small half-doses for 6-10 days out of the month. (Its generic is clonazepam). The side effects are very minimal for me, and it seems to help minimize the extreme irritability and moodiness. Prozac also has the same effect on me, but it takes at least a month for it to kick in, so I've been given the clonazepam in the mean time. I hope you find something that works well for you and that you will be able to get on the right track in your life and relationships. Best wishes!

  • FreedomFrog
    Now along with all your research, have you come across a suitable treatment that may help?

    Not at the moment...but just to know what's happening and seeing all the charts and such is a relief. When I start feeling the way I do (if I can remember) I check my timing and 99% of the time it's 3-5 days til the physical cycle starts. The trick is trying to remember these timings so I can lock myself up or get a hold on it until it passes.

    I tend to only go through about 3 days of anger or extreme sadness...then everything is back to normal and calm. It's like riding a huge wave...if you're prepared for it chances are you will manage to escape or lessen the damages. If it sneaks up on you (because of forgetting), that's when the most damages will happen.

    I've been to the Dr's many times with this and they push it off as depression. My family Dr said that it sounded like PMS and this was before I was connecting the anger spells being so close to the same moments. I think it's interesting that I'm only "depressed" 3-5 days out of a month and hitting almost exactly the same time.

    The purpose for this post isn't to get sympathy. I'm really interested in collecting my data from others and how they react to what extent does the symptoms get them...who it affects in their lives (whether it children, spouses, friends)...for how many days does it last...and to what degree it affects others around them. I think after doing this research I may try to organize some sort of help book if I can come up with some help for me. I'm sure there are others that are going through this as well and have no idea how to handle it. Some may even not know they are going through a pattern of anger.

  • restrangled

    I use to get really crabby and cried easily. I was ultra sensitive to any criticizing. My husband always knew when my period was coming.

    I went through menopause early. At age 44, started with the hot sweats, and missed periods. I haven't had a period since age 46.

    But still having the hot sweats and boy does it make me cranky!!!! The blankets are flipped on and off all night, and my husband can literally feel the heat coming off of me. I am so SICK OF SWEATING!

    I can be out shopping and break into a horrible sweat and have to leave. In addition there is the exhaustion factor, loss of pretty skin, loss of fullness in my head of hair and the texture has changed too.

    Female hormones .....argggggggg!


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