I know the elders do not like to have loose ends out there that they can neither control or influence
I'm a fader, successfully for over 9 years now. I just walked away. Right out that kingdom hall door, and never looked back. What, can they do to me? Or anyone else, who has just had enough, and walked away?! We've done nothing wrong.
I really don't think there is anything they can do to "crack down" on us. Unless they have spies watching our every move, and "catch" someone celebrating holidays or something of the sort, maybe. I know they had spies in my old congregation....I was their "subject" for a time, once...lol, boring old me....crazy old coots!!!!
I know they don't like "loose ends". But, if someone who has faded is not "ruffling any feathers", as far as still calling themselves a JW while carrying on in a fashion directly against their beliefs,, demonstrating against, or picketing at the local KH, I think they pretty much leave you alone.
Then again, I've heard stories.......and it may depend on how vindictive your local body of elders want to be.
I dunno..................nor, do I care anymore.
Greendawn......I didn't know that becoming inactive, was grounds for Dfing??? Sounds silly to me...but they change the rules as they see fit anyhow.