Do You Think The Watchtower will Crack Down On Faders?

by choosing life 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • ex-nj-jw

    I've heard if you threaten legal action, they sort of leave you alone. Has anybody had success with this? And with just the "fade" issue?

    I threatened to slap them with a restraining order when they kept coming by after I left. My mom told them where I was staying and gave them the number. The family I lived with (the father) wanted to physically harm them and told them that he'd introduce them to his Smith and Wesson (sp?) if they ever came back to his home.

    I don't know if it was that or the restraining order but they left me alone. I think they were glad to be rid of me.


  • Poztate

    Why can't we just get a divorce and start dating other religions like civilized folk?

    If ony the WT was other religions. When you decide to leave most other religions it is only"sorry to see you go"

    They do not seek to punish you by DF'ing you or refusing to ever talk to you again. The WT is so childish in their actions.

  • stillajwexelder

    Do You Think The Watchtower will Crack Down On Faders? Do bears shit in the woods?

  • MadTiger

    They are going to crack down on them like bouncers/security guards at a nightclub parking lot:

    "You in or out?"
    "Keep it movin'"

    I agree with the philosophy behind it: they want anyone with any doubts to feel the full weight of the
    pressure, guilt, etc. to help herd them in closer to the organization in order to lean on it for support
    as we had learned to do. Good if you want to weed out the malcontents from the loyal followers.

  • JH

    I walked away too many years ago....they didn't meet my high expectations.

    I didn't disfellowship them yet.

  • WTWizard

    I don't think they have any cards left, unless the lead hounder wishes to attempt to recapture me and force me to live with them. They could "mark" me as a bad associate. They could disfellowship or disassociate me. All that would do is cut me off from even worse associations. And it would cut me loose (even a disassociation letter is no guarantee: those could get misrouted or mishandled at Crooklyn and not take effect). And cutting me off from "social activities" would be useless since there are no more of those.

    The only thing left would be for one of the hounders to attempt to recapture me and force me to live with them. If they did that, they would have to take the chances of getting a nice 50 year jail sentence for kidnapping, plus I would do all I could to ruin their faith, putting apostate material and porn on their computers (if they had one), buying apostate literature, and ruining every call I have the chance to. If they play that card, I will make things as miserable for them as I can (assuming they are going to stay active as Witlesses). Aside from that, I don't think there is anything they can do (legal or illegal) to crack down on my fading.

    And they had better not try to haul me if for a judicial hearing, unless they want to waste the time and gas to get there only to have me not show up. I have nothing to lose if they disfellowship me behind my back except a bunch of losers. Not to mention, if they drag me into the hearing, a few well-chosen swear words and The Finger would probably cut it short, with the effect of getting those losers off my back.

  • nvrgnbk
    elders do not like to have loose ends out there that they can neither control or influence.

    Sometimes it's just a matter of either who hates you enough or who loves you enough to stay on your ass.

    Two important factors.

    Thankfully, most elders are extremely lazy.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    Not as a matter of official policy. I think the local yokels will try it depending on their collective mindsets. Also depending on the CO's mindset. You could be fine for years and then you get some rambunctious CO and you go through 3 years of hell or a new PO from outside your congo and they want to "clean up" the inactive files...and then it starts...

    choosing life:

    More like private detectives

    no CL, your BOE, who I used to serve with, was more like Barney Fife Just look at this picture and think of my favorite controlling elder there...that should make your day. During the DC last weekend, said elder was often found to be asleep...yet he was the Section Attendant...... I felt safer immediately.

    by the by, at the DC this weekend someone from your old congo asked about you (I think the context of the conversation was "We havent seen certain people here this year" Your name was one of those brought up. . And no, I dont remember who it was....but I did say, "I heard from [Choosing Life] awhile back, they are fine. Why dont you call or go by and see Sister [Choosing Life]?, I am sure she would appreciate your concern." I am guessing you never got that call or visit. I dont think the BOE of your old congo is going to bother you and your ongoing fade...just keep using your legit health card and any other reasons and they will leave you alone....just dont let them see you post know the PO patrols the internet looking for violators. Wouldn't he love to get me?

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "never was a Barney Fife elder" Sheep Class)

  • Mulan

    We faded 10 years ago and very few of them will speak to us, and most act as if we are invisible. It's like being disfellowshipped, except the family (very few) who are still in keep trying to bring us back.

  • dobbie

    What was the marking talk !I missed that thread. They are defo trying to crack down on them around here (i really think the elders are much stricter in the country towns than the bigger places) they pushed me so much i d'ad, and now my hubbys own step dad elder and his mother have been contacting him to get him to say if he wants to d'a. His own mother, and she knows if he does she'll cut him out of her life!!! I really do think they will try to hound out as many faders as they can as time goes on, turns out its my fault they are hounding him cos i put a sign on the door saying 'no religious callers' and they are trying to get me or hubby to say if he agrees with that sign (of course i just tell them thats hubbys business and no one elses), so why don't they stop calling then aagh!

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