In my experience it depends how much you love one another, if you are willing to put in the effort and make lots of compromises and so is your partner (vital!!) then you can make it work.
For myself, married for 14 years, I stopped going in the October, My husband moved out in the January saying I had 'changed' Obviously he was right, and it was only the witness mindset keeping us together, I dont regret my divorce as although I loved my husband, we had so little in common anyway, that when only one of us was a JW it became intolerable (for him, I was prepared to put up with it)
Interestingly the judge at my divorce said that he ruled my husband had behaved unreasonably, because although I was prepared to live and put up with his strange religious ways, he was not prepared to encouarge me in anything I wanted to do (career etc) I felt validated for the first time in a long time!
Nobody can tell you what to do, try and see, but make sure you are not doing all the compromising.