Althhough I am younger in physical years than you, I feel the same. I can hardly bear the thought sometimes, of not being here to see my daughter and sons grow older.........my grandkids.
I am saddened that I have worked so hard and sacrificed so much, to know that now my age keeps me from doing things I want to do and never did.
I try to enjoy the moments as much as I can, cuz even if it just isnt old age, tonight could be my last night alive as we know it.
I did not have a plan for this age as I thought this system would be over by now. I never thought I would feel any effects of growing older. I am starting to spend time, thinking back at my life and the things I did throughout it. Where did all the time go???
I probably have not said one thing to make you feel better, nothing comforting.
my resolve for now is to make all my moments special.
I was one of those witnesses that never wanted to die. And I still do not. Working at this hospitol, I see sick patients that will die soon. I think it has made me realize how close any of us are to death.
Some are young adults, with heartbreaking stories, with great sufferings.
I look at the ages now and I am not far from alot of them.
We wanted to believe that god did not want it this way, but somehow it is.
I wish I lived closer to you and we could have a nice talk, with a tall glass of iced tea or lemonade on some lawnchairs in the sun, barefoot feeling the cool soft grass.
I am not coming on to you, its just that moments of closeness and sharing~~~~~simple things are treasures