I received a package from my mother today

by ex-nj-jw 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully

    Hmmm, I wonder if your mom sent that sort of letter/care package to your other exJW siblings too. If she did, I'd definitely be getting the group together to confront her about the lie that "all but you" have returned to Jehovah.

    Definitely discuss with your other exJW siblings about creating a pact to refuse further financial assistance to her. Let her congregation look after her, since she's chosen the Organization over her own flesh and blood.

  • ex-nj-jw


    I did talk to my oldest sister, she said she recieves weekly some type of JW propaganda from mom and she always throws it away. My brother will still talk about it with them to try and get them to see where he's coming from.

    I think she comes at me so hard because I've told her numerous times that I don't believe in her Jehovah, bible or anything from the WTBTS, I will not engage her or my dad with that nonsense. I expect them to respect my feeling just as I respect theirs. Don't talk religon to me and I wont tell you why yours is a cult kinda of attitude!

    I don't know about the rest of my siblings but no more financial help from me, I'm done!


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Mommy Dearest:

    Your letter finally got to me and I've decided to show some loyalty to Jehovah and his loving Theocratic Arrangement.

    A currently serving elder has informed me that your letter constitutes "spiritual association" with a disfellowshiped person.

    Therefore, out of loyalty to Jehovah's arrangement, I'll be making your local Body of Elders aware of how you've disloyally and disobediently circumvented the Disfellowshiping arrangement. I'm curious how you'll explain the letter when I send them a copy.

    I love you and I know you don't love me, but this is for your own good. "Tough love" and all that.

    Your daughter,

    Bird Fodder.

  • whyizit


    I shouldn't have assumed that you still read the Bible, etc...

    I just knew that some other ex-JW folks I know have used that approach with their loved ones. Seemed to leave them in a moment of shock, that someone could still be descent and love God, etc... and NOT be a JW.

    If she would happen to agree to answer questions, I have a list! If you ever need any suggestions, PM me and I'll let you know what has worked best for me.

    How sad it is that she behaved so cruelly toward you. Did she really think that her letter would make you want to dive right back in the WTS cesspool? She is following a terrible example of the WTS's version of "love". Sad, sad, sad.

  • lisavegas420

    Your daughter,

    Bird Fodder.

    Too funny..


  • BluesBrother

    Don't be too hard on the old girl who is evidently suffering some degree of delusion and mental ill health. Many older people with such conditions say hurtful things, and they are totally unconnected with J W's .

  • Gayle

    Or . . . . .maybe a letter to send like this:

    Dear Body of Elders of XX Congregation and the Governing Body of the Watchtower Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses:

    Enclosed is a copy of a shameful, hateful letter I received from Mrs. XX, a member of your congregation and organization.

    I bring this to your attention because she claims to represent the Watchtower organization of Jehovah's Witnesses. I suggest you counsel her and unless she sends a letter of apology to me within the next 30 days, I will have this copy posted in the local newspaper stating her representation and yours.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I did not read all 5 pages, but all I can say is 'What the hell is going on in her mind?'

    Does she honestly think she can 'fool' you into believing that 6 of your siblings are still Jw, when you know better. The letter is written as if you have 'left Jehovah' just this past week or two, and yet your children are grown? WOW.

    Her deep seated desire to see you in paradise runs long and hard, doesn't it? Her love does not seem to be at issue here - but she is clearly obsessed [aren't all Jw's] with bringing you back into the fold. Don't be too hard on her - she is deluded and obsessive about the religion, and prob honestly thinks she is plying you with words that might save your life. Just love her. But I would do it at a distance most of the time.


  • ex-nj-jw

    Well I've mailed the letter and the replies. I also sent my siblings (all of them) copies even the JW's. I'm hoping this will embarrass her enough to leave me the hell alone!!

    AK-Jeff - you hit the nail on the head, it's as if I just left the JW's yesterday, good grief it's been 24 years. I'm not sure how my dad will react, he usually just interested in keeping her off of his back, so it's hard to tell how he will react!

    At this point I really don't care, she obviously didn't care about how it would affect me when she wrote that crap and sent it to me.

    I'll let you guys know when she tells me she got it! I made sure to block out all user names, IP addresses and anything that said JWD, so I don't want anyone to worry about that!


  • eclipse

    I hope that maybe this will be a wake up call to her.

    If not, she maybe is as heartless as she seems.

    I will look out for your update, nj

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