I took the liberty of rewriting this letter in the way I would if I had received it from my parents. I think I probably would send it just so she can see how she sounds from another persons perspective and so she can perhaps actually FEEL what it would be like to have those cruel words she threw out so carelessly returned to her. The goal is not to return tit for tat, but to hopefully make her think and reflect on her brand of "love". It's your judgement call, though, of course.
Dear Mom:
I'm writing to you in hopes that you will leave Jehovah's Witnesses before it's too late. The new system of things has been just around the corner for 100 years now and there is not much time left for the Society and their evil followers to have a life before it is too late.
It broke my heart when you turned your back on your children. You took all the love I gave you and simply flushed it down the toilet. With everything you know, how could you possibly turn away from your family? I know that deep down inside you know that the love of your children is the only hope you have for a happy future. Even though you have chosen to follow a strange cult, you can still return to the world of reality and we will accept you with open arms. Don't you want to live in the bosom of your loving family, in sickness and health, no conditions - just peace and security? Who would not want that? I know I sure do and I want my children to be there with me.
You are the only parents I know who have turned their back and refused to be apart of their children's lives and it just makes me sick to my heart to know that soon you will be dead. Think about your grandchildren, even though they are of age to decide for themselves you still are responsible and will be the cause of their dying without knowing their grandparents! You have not taken on your responsibility to be a good christian mother and grandmother and raise your children the way children want to be raised.
Don't you think that they deserve to be happy, why make them pay for your selfish, judgemental ways? What will you say to them when your death comes, I'm sorry?? Well it will be too late then. I'm so ashamed to even tell friends that I have a mother that has turned her back on us. That my flesh and blood is nothing more than a worthless religious fanatic. How is it possible that I could have been born to something so awful?
I'm enclosing a Mother's Day card for you along with a picture of you when you were still a mother, when you still had love in your heart, before you turned to an evil, family destroying cult. Please call me when you receive this so that we can talk about your feelings.
I love you even though you don't love me.