When did we stop being customers and start being consumers?

by truthseeker 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    I really hate the word "consumer" - I see it all the time, in reports, business news, the markets.

    Consumers aren't consuming, they aren't spending.

    A consumer sounds like some brainless automaton whose sole purpose is, well, to consume.

    In the old days we were customers who made purchases - now we just consume.

    Does anyone else feel the same way?

  • educ8self

    You betcha. Even in the information age where people consume all that's on the internet, etc. it's not exactly a wise investment for the most part, or much of a meaningful exchange right? And for that matter, how many are truly productive - or is it just regurgitating the same in slightly different forms?

  • SacrificialLoon

    We consume the products made by those who produce so they can make money off of our desires to have things we don't need. We are a heard of cattle to be milked for our wealth then discarded once we have no more to give. We are merely a resource to exploit. We are consumers.

  • Hermano

    I love this thread. Makes me feel great about being a cheapo. I consume as little as humanly possible. Feels so good to stick it to the man!

  • changeling

    I think it's all semantics. Some newscaster probably started using the term "consumer" in lieu of customer and it caught on. Don't worry , they'll come up with a new one soon enough.


  • educ8self

    Although there's something to be said for customers being more informed, you have to buy into something - whereas consumers just consume. All you can eat is not necessarily a good thing.

  • beksbks

    What about "customer service"? Anyone notice that sales people have no use for you. Actually we are really putting a crimp in their style. It didn't used to be like that, there used to be competition for our business.

  • Siddhashunyata

    Google the term "Consumerism" .

  • SPAZnik

    People don't consume? Have you seen the landfills lately?

  • defective light
    defective light

    We all became consumers, when we were forced to join the "Global Village" we gave up our rights to good customer service / friendly service, common courtesy, and decent products, so that greedy companies can make huge profits and continue to pilfer the pockets of everybody....

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