Budddha Bless Afghanistan

by unclebruce 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tina

    That was zen,this is tao heheheheheh luv,T

    'The Good,The Bad,The Fundy'

    Special Matinee HORROR!!!!
    'I Was A Teenage JW Pioneer!

  • unclebruce

    G'day wassa,

    Uncle, if we put you in charge of the US response (and currently I'm all for that idea), what would you do? How would you find the terrorist cells and those who support them? Once we find them, I'll help you reload.

    I'm no soldier but I guess all the US military can do is what they are already doing. Use their superior weapons technology and massive spy network to full advantage .. authoriise and de-restrict covert operations and 'go for them' personally and unreservedly.

    I hope one thing the west will learn from this is the immportance of building trust and good relations with people of as many nations as posible while never letting down it's guard. (not that anything could have prevented the tragedy of Sept 11)

    PS: maybe Buddha should bless America, too. God seems to have taken a vacation.

    The attitude of the Taliban to Afghanistans ancient Buddhist statues says it all .. in one way these statues were just carvings in rock but more than that they represented deeper things pertaining to human expectations and dignity and are no less missed as symbols of inspiiration than New Yorks twin towers.

    Tina Thankyou .. you're my friend zen! .. afghani unc wearing his tao on his head ;)

  • wasasister

    My questions about military strategy were sincere. I honesly don't know what is the best action to take, yet I am glad there are those who do. Does that make me a coward, since I have no stomach for killing?

    I hope one thing the west will learn from this is the immportance of building trust and good relations with people of as many nations as posible while never letting down it's guard.

    Therein lies a precarious balance: keeping together an Arab aliance, while not betraying a valuable friend - Israel.

    Tina: Lady, I miss you already! I'll never look at a plate of pasta without wishing you were there to share it with me. You're a treasure!

  • Satanus


    What about the american terrorists, especially those that are higher up in govt? What should be done with them? Oops, since they are on our side, they are our protectors, sorry.


  • unclebruce

    G'day Wassa,

    Tina really good at eating pasta eh and a treasure at that? .. what kinda treasure? (an antique couch comes to mind hee hee hee.) Me? When feeding yours truly spagettii please have a hose handy.

    cheers, unc.

    PS: Just as well your question was sincere because so was my answer ;) Wassa, you're no coward any more than someone who faints at the sight of a blood transfusion ;)


    G'day SaintSatan (quite a mixed metaphor ya got there .. DrSimon might be able to fix that or are you saying Satan's Catholic?

    What about the american terrorists, especially those that are higher up in govt? What should be done with them? Oops, since they are on our side, they are our protectors, sorry.

    I'm no Jimmy Carter and don't claim to have solutions to anyones problems but my own but if you want my short answer see the opening comments to this post: Here, I'll repeat it and even emphasise a word for ya:

    "Let me make this perfectly clear - I am not against every callous terrorist on earth being hunted down and excecuted like the worthless dogs they are.

    If I ruled the world every single child molester and every single wife beating piece of shit that walks the earth, every helicopter pilot that cluster bombed women and children or napalmed vietnamese villagers, every mad scientist, every remote killing coward would be immediately and without the slightest twinge of remorse or pity be lined up against a wall and shot."

    An American Major General: (can't remeber his name) "If you think the army is about protecting people like yourself you're sadly mistaken. We're making the world safe for Capitalism."

    cheers uncle ant-ism (who didn't notice any Arabic terror in Vietnam)

  • Satanus


    You got my vote, and i'll carry the amunition for ya.

    Satan and the catholic church. I guess they needed an enemy, didn't they? So he helped them grow. I guess it's sort of a lightening rod for the demon chasers.


  • Tina

    I miss ya too Darlin! Meeting you was certainly a shing moment! And such a fun one!

    (((((sheeky hic galah)))))))))
    Ooooo Wassy is the best! What a beautiful poised intelligent classy hunk o woman! All that and humor too! lol
    Unc, sis and I truly had a grand wondeful time together. The only thing I regret is its briefness. But her and I are gonna do it again. I've never been up in her neck o the woods.But that'll change heheheh.
    It was a clear and windy(of course,its the Windy City,kinda like me)
    evening.Zapped up to her hotel . One of the tres classy ones I may add-fit sis to a tee. I was nervous for 2 whole minutes. We met hugged and felt an immediate rapport.Chatted for a while.
    We shared some wonderful gourmet Italian cuisine and talked a whole lot more.(turns out sis is a better italian cook than me too lol) Homeade mozzarella and all that!
    Found out how much we had in common,had many similar views. Sis is the brightest,warmest,. Can't think of all the great adjectives Id like to use right now. We were so comfortable together.
    Course w efound out we both love a well-made martini among other things :> Sis is the true treasure here. I am so very fortunate that I got to spend some time w/ her. And it is a privilege and real honor to know she is my friend.More than that,felt kinda like family you havent seen in yonks ages.
    (((((((sis and unc again))))))))
    Pssssst she'll tell ya I'm huggy in r/l too lol. Love to all,Tina Apostataste class.
    S'ok unc,when I get to OZway,I'll bring the ravs heheheheh

    'The Good,The Bad,The Fundy'

    Special Matinee HORROR!!!!
    'I Was A Teenage JW Pioneer!


    Just my Random thoughts:

    It took the 3 1/2 weeks for the US to start dropping bombs and little Johnny Howard (Aus PM) has been on the bandwagon right from the start. I agree with democrat Leader Natashja Stot Despoja (never can spell her name) when she said that there should have been a Parlimentary debate on the issue of whether Australia should be in this 'war on terrorism'. People keep asking, well what are the alternatives to war, we cant sit and do nothing. But how is is anyone supposed to consider the issue of alternatives, let alone the implications of this US campaign in under 3 1/2 weeks...give me a break!!!. It was a rush to war. The US didn't even attempt negotiations, they may have come to nothing, but they didn't even try. It was either abide by our non-negotiable ultimatum or get bombed, a text book US approach as recent history in Kosovo and Iraq indicate.
    They shut down the borders between afghanistan and Pakistan within a week leaving refugees stranded. All the aid workers went as soon as the US made it know that the Taliban and Al-qaida was in the firing line. Winter is coming and aid agencies will tell you that the peroid before winter is crucial to getting relief to people inside. But there isn't any serious aid getting in and with winter on the way the people, innocent people, on the inside are pretty much doomed. The US food drop was just a cynical PR stunt too, just ask the aid agencies on that point if you don't believe me. For these reasons i believe the US should have atleast held off till after winter and allowed relief agencies to deal with the refugee crises. Holding off would have also allowed more time for evidence collection, of which the US didn't have too much of if you look at the 70 point document that came out, only 9 points delt specifically with Sept11. But anyway, holding off would have also allowed time for consideration of the consequences of the bombing. There was and still is a danger that this campaign could destabilise Pakistan and the larger Muslim world --in which there seems to be a growing animosty towards the US. There could also have been more consideration of what Gov replaces the Taliban. The US was talking up the Northern Alliance as if they were good guys (hAHA). They are a pack of warlords and rapists who have slighty more liberal religious views than the Taliban. They arn't an alternative.
    All this talk about smart bombs is a joke too, like it was in the Gulf war where only 7% were smart ordinances and near 200,000 Iraqis died (not many knew about that at the time...nor now). I mean, the US has hit the Red Cross and a another aid agency, coupled with todays news that a bunch of kids have been shot up and I'm supposed to buy into this surgical strike Bullshit Rumsfeld wants me to believe. I mean, he's calling the Taliban liars (hAHA). It's a ballsup...'surgical strikes' & saying thinks like 'but thats war, civilians die' is just euphemistic bullshit. If it were Yanks or ozzies or poms on the ground then we wouldn't be framing things in those terms, we'd be getting the whole blood soaked deal.

    DOn't ask me for all the answers, but it seems to me that this war that was supposed to kill 'terrorism' has only enhanced it in the short term as can be seen with all this talk of Anthrax and retaliation going round. And I think it's only going to increase it in the long term as well if you look at a lot of the anger being generated in the Mid-east and among muslim countries else where. There has been very little thought and debate and I dont think this bombing is really going to solve stuff at all really. There aint going to be a "NEw world Order", it's just going to be the "Same old DiSOrder", unless some long term political solution can be found --don't hold your breath. I think this "War on Terrorism" will work as well as the "War on Drugs" has/is...War on yer ass...it's a mess, but they are only afghani's so it don't matter.
    On alternatives, The UN was one alternative, WAITING was another, Negotiations were another, and someone i heard was talking about Pakistan instigating a bloodless coup within the Taliban --so theres another one--, and a longer term political solution is another again. I'll grant that War may have eventually had to come...but not within 3 1/2 weeks...and not at the expense of Refugees starving through winter...what a joke.

    I don't know any Afghani's that ride camels, but i do know one who drives a cab. And he seems to think that an Afghani aint worth as much as a white fella who lives a well off Western country like Aus, US, and GB. What the hell is he thinking, he clearly doesn't know his role in world affairs!

  • unclebruce

    G'day SaintSatan,

    Not very subtle though is it? .. if you wanna get Catholics back up surely you'd be better off as PopeMary or CaptainJesus.

    RevUnclebruce of the Blessed Holy Church of Saint Bartholomew the Carpet Layer.


    G'day GWEEDO,

    I have also posted about not being sucked in by the machinery of media lies and hyperbole (the Taliban drug stockpile is now called 'the terrorist stockpile' etc .. groan .. the news media treat us all like sheep .. "feed 'em, dip 'em and sheer 'em"

    You're right, the Northern Alliance are cut throats, rapists and criminals of the worst sort. But this "war on Terrorism" is to give the American people 'closure'.. I'm no psyciatrist but they are traumatised and only a few rag heads on plates can begin the healing process (particularly for men - who seem to need to express thier hurt by hurting someone else .. very basic forces are at play here and all we can do is watch.)

    The events of Sept 11 were fundamentally traumatic and tragic enough for a world weary of bad news without being embelished and used for propaganda purposes by the hawks and other militeristic peddlers of death to the world.

    unclebruce who cares about the little folk whether they be American, Afghani or Pijanjara (the big boys can look after themselves and do)

  • Satanus

    Saint Bart of the Carpet

    I haven't gotten any lightening from catholics, but a few sparks from the thomass poo!ists. If you didn't see that thread, i can show the url.

    Saint Satan of the Crusaders Christian Cluster Bomb

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