Budddha Bless Afghanistan

by unclebruce 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus


    Yes, arabs have been demonised in hollywood productions for years. While i don't have the info on hand, i remember reading that before the jews moved into palestine in the 40's, things arabian were depicted as exotic. One should realise of course, that hollywood is primarily jewish controlled, and most jews are pro-isreal, and hence anti-arab.

  • Satanus


    Ralph nadar is arab. Benny hinn, the great evangelist/miracle worker is from palestine. Depending on your leanings, one of these could be a good role model.




    One last thing, you said our bombing in Iraq killed 200,000. I won't argue the figure. MOST were soldiers, civilian casualties are unfortunate, but to avoid it all Hussein had to do was leave Kuwait.

    Just on that Gulf War figure of 200,000. In December 91 The Medical Education Trust in London published a detailed study. It claimed up to 250,000 million men woman and children were killed because of the US bombing of Iraq. Also, apparently French and American intelligence estimated the civilian in march 91 to be in excess of 200,000. This was printed in The Times in 91. The Clark Commission concluded that the US attack violated the geneva convention and stated that there would be severve losses among the civilian population. Major internationl relief agencies reported that about 1.8 million people had been made homeless, and Iraq's electricity, water, sewage, communication, health agriculture and industrial infrastructure had been greatly destroyed leaving the way open for famine and epidemics.

    Not a pretty picture.

  • Satanus


    Interesting report. I wonder, would those atrocities qualify the US govt as terrorist, in the eyes of arabs?

  • TR

    UB, Man! I don't know how I missed this one.

    I know emotions are running hot at the moment and when my good pal logical dared post something about the insanity that we as a species are he gets silly shallow minded pricks like TR heaping abuse on him (duh...) (sorry TR but someone's gotta tell ya ;)

    Cool! Somebody thinks I'm a shallow minded prick! Never been called that before. Like it says in my Who's Who bio, I get pissed at ultra liberals and wishy-washy moderates. There's no middle ground.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • Yerusalyim


    The question to you is this, is the US at fault, or is it Hussein and company?

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Yerusalyim


    I've never said Israel was without fault in it's situation, I just lay the vast majority of the problem at the feet of Arafat and company. Nor do I have any illusions about the Northern Alliance, the US government doesn't either. Perhaps that's why the US is talking about the UN having a role in developing a Post Taliban Afghani Government.

    I have no qualms with you personally, I just feel your politics are mistaken and dangerous to the security of the US.

    Same with you GWEEDO.

    Seems to me most of our true allies are with us, England seems to take a harder line than we do. As to World Opinion, sometimes world opinion is wrong.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • pettygrudger

    Yeru - what can I say "I'm a lover not a fighter". I just happen to be far left of the most bleedin heart liberal left-wing democrats, its in my DNA. And, as such, and as a mother it pains me to see so many die.

    I have no qualms w/your opinion - they are necessary. I hardly think lil ole me is a "threat" to our security. And as for "mistaken" politics - perhaps different viewpoints are part of what make America as great as it is.

    And of course "world" opinion can be wrong. But, so can America's.

    Peace to you Yeru! I do appreciate the fact that you are in service to your country, a country that allows people like me to live our "Pollyanna" lives and raise our children w/out fear.


  • Yerusalyim


    Just repeat after me, "Yeru is right, Petty is wrong" and then we can hug and make up.

    Seriously though, if we ever figure out the solution to what ails the world good on us, but I enjoy a good debate!

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • pettygrudger

    Yeru is right - Petty is wrong (at least until I've gotten some sleep tonight and rested!).

    Then, all bets are off!

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