Dear Dobbie,
I'm not here to shout at you. You were a member of a cult and highly indoctrinated to believe that the decisions of a group of men in Brooklyn superseded the law, and that they were speaking for God. You were in a horrible situation-damned if you did and damned if you didn't.
Newborns actually have a very tiny blood volume in comparison to adults. It's somewhere around 80 to 90 milliliters, which is in the area of 6 tablespoons of blood!That one little teaspoon mattered VERY much.Isn't it sad that a group of men who have decided to interpret a biblical passage in a way that allows an ADULT to have certain blood fractions, would deny a tiny infant a lifesaving teaspoon of blood???
THAT is the real issue, Dobbie. THEY are the ones who should feel guilty!!
You just go hug your precious son, and if you can, teach him how cults operate, so he never has to be in that hellish position you were in.