Welcome Temp, as others have said firefox won't retain the paragraphs for JWD posts and this is a problem that often baffles newbies. There is however an add on for firefox that lets you embed IE into it so that paragraphs will work, that's what I use in fact.
Young People Ask...
by Temp 22 Replies latest jw friends
Formatting aside, I have seen many of those articles in the Asleep! magazines, plus that book that came out in 1989. And these always have something to do with teenagers that get in a pickle, usually having to do with school situations like crushes and going to dances and extra-curricular activities. The answers are always that they should avoid such activities and do ever more in the field misery, or that they should forego the career and pioneer as soon as they leave high school.
Of course, none of the answers are actually practical. People usually begin to notice the opposite sex at puberty, and there is usually a hard enough time for them to accept that as it is. Many people go through homosexual phases, whether or not they actually do it, during this period (and some never get past it), because of the difficulty. The last thing they need is to have a bunch of old fogeys in Brooklyn telling them that it really is horrible for them to express these feelings as they transition into being straight adults. You cannot simply go cold from early puberty, repressing those sexual feelings, and go directly into a marriage without creating a lot of inhibitions that are going to damage the marriage. I wish I could somehow do that to Ted Jaracz.
Adolescents need activities within school. They are learning to become independent adults, and those JV and Varsity sports and other activities, field trips, and class trips are a stepping stone toward this. They are supervised with teachers and staff, so those incidents where people smoke weed and get drunk are usually isolated and can happen in any group. But they are not as rigorously supervised, giving the students the chance to practice making independent decisions, including bad ones that they can learn from. Cut this opportunity off, and they will make their stupid mistakes at a time when there are harsher and more permanent consequences. Or they will stagnate, usually ending up living with their parents long past their 20s. Note that the Bible even tells us that man should leave their parents at some point when they become adults--I hope Ted Jaracz never had any children, because I could see them still having to live with that tyrant and never having any freedom well into their 60s.
College is another issue. If children are to become adults, they need the best education they can get. And by education, the Theocraptic Misery "School(?)" does not cut it! They should plan on going to college, and the goal should be to sustain themselves in the real world, even if it means not pioneering. They should learn to create value, however that is best achieved, and if the message is actually the truth, preaching it is going to be quite natural. But, it does no good to preach this as the best way of living if your car is a clunker, you are living in a dump in a horrible neighborhood or in an apartment that isn't suitable for your needs, and you lack decent food and clothing aside that damn suit. Besides, there is no happiness in spending your life washing windows while pretending to be happy out in the misery. Better these people study to become tomorrow's computer programmers, doctors, and engineers that will help shape tomorrow's world to break us out of the 1950s mode.
The whole Young People Ask series is a scam. All it does is funnels children into a cult that will suck them dry in every way and ask for more, berating them for not doing even more. The better thing is to listen to guidance counselors. True, many of those are corrupt and seek to further their careers in politics by keeping society stagnant in the 1950s and 1960s. But that is still better than locking them in the 1870s Victorian era. Even better would be to do independent research, ultimately becoming your own guidance counselor and making your own decision based on information you dig up yourself from independent sources. In that way, you have the best possible chance to become something that can create value for yourself and society. And, if the message is really truth, it will be natural from your lifestyle. However, if it is not the truth, it will become blatantly obvious and you will avoid getting yourself and others into a scam.
College is another issue. If children are to become adults, they need the best education they can get. And by education, the Theocraptic Misery "School(?)" does not cut it! They should plan on going to college, and the goal should be to sustain themselves in the real world, even if it means not pioneering. They should learn to create value, however that is best achieved, and if the message is actually the truth, preaching it is going to be quite natural. But, it does no good to preach this as the best way of living if your car is a clunker, you are living in a dump in a horrible neighborhood or in an apartment that isn't suitable for your needs, and you lack decent food and clothing aside that damn suit. Besides, there is no happiness in spending your life washing windows while pretending to be happy out in the misery.
Bravo, WTWizard, bravo! You don't know how many people this describes in the hall...people who are running on very little and will have even less in the future.
Adolescents need activities within school. They are learning to become independent adults, and those JV and Varsity sports and other activities, field trips, and class trips are a stepping stone toward this. They are supervised with teachers and staff, so those incidents where people smoke weed and get drunk are usually isolated and can happen in any group. But they are not as rigorously supervised, giving the students the chance to practice making independent decisions, including bad ones that they can learn from. Cut this opportunity off, and they will make their stupid mistakes at a time when there are harsher and more permanent consequences. Or they will stagnate, usually ending up living with their parents long past their 20s. Note that the Bible even tells us that man should leave their parents at some point when they become adults--I hope Ted Jaracz never had any children, because I could see them still having to live with that tyrant and never having any freedom well into their 60s.
I know at least three kids who will be living with their folks until 30. One of them wants to work in the construction field as an electrician. He's been heavily sheltered, even from other dub kids. How the heck is this kid gonna survive? The world is not a Watchtower mag. No one wants to hear your propaganda BS at work. Too bad I can't warn him....