I have succumed to the EVIL of all evils....

by R.F. 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • erandir

    The last time I went to a meeting in my assigned hall, I was talking about my then new job and how it was such a relief to have a good, stable job again, even though it was night shift, and I'd miss the meetings. The witness I was talking to at the time (he was a fairly good friend) said "Good for you!" I didn't realize then what an answer like that actually meant. Now you got me thinking...maybe that "brother" is on the way out, too? I haven't seen him for a long time.

    Again, good luck and congrats!

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    So glad to hear it. When I graduated from high school in 1959, I qualified to go to the local university but instead opted for a 2-year business college. Boom...an elder appeared at our house. I couldn't even take the 2-year course. Well that was my fault for obeying. It sure made my life a lot more difficult.

    Two of my children have a 4-year college degree and one has the equivalent of 2 years. I wasn't going to let them make the mistake that I did. Unfortunately, one of my children is still in the "truth."

  • JK666


    Never mind the bollocks, I'm proud of you!

    You can do this, it just takes determination and drive. If you have any more questions just PM me like before.



  • RisingEagle

    I think that's one of the best things I've heard today! Soon we'll be able to say, "Check out the Big Brain on R.F.!" Don't stop till your head is full of new and different ideas.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Blessed be, you wicked, wicked man!

  • Scully

    Good for you! An education is never a waste, no matter when you start.

  • R.F.

    Thank you all so very much! You are awesome!

    Bonnie_Clyde - pat yourself on the back for instilling in your children the importance of a good education.

    I know that life is hard and that things don't always work out as you expect, but I definitely don't want to end up as my parents did and have to struggle day by day and wonder if there will be food on the table that day. I want to at least give myself a fighting chance to have better financial, along with the other benefits of a college education.

  • Threestars


  • truthsearcher

    Congratulations R.F.: From pioneer to graduate! Can you tell us what you are going to study or is it a secret to protect your identity?

    How about a new avatar?

  • quietlyleaving

    Congratulations RF. Very happy for you.

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