How The Organization Hooks You With "Privileges"

by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Right from the beginning, you are bombarded with others telling you what a "privilege" it is to "be used" in the Organization.

    Especially if you're a male, it is easy to get hooked by the elder's lines.....For example, a male is given the "privilege" of "handling the microphones" IF they put in enough time in the ministry and they aren't setting a bad example. If you're "faithful in what is least", greater privileges await you. You might be given the privilege of saying a prayer in the service group or even before the conregation.

    The carrot stick is always being offered to you IF you comply with the requests of the elders. You could be a ministerial servant, elder, pioneer or Bethelite IF you performed a certain task or requirement.

    Cleaning the Kingdom Hall toilets is even considered a "privilege" as is a bookstudy's opportunity to clean the Hall!

    Being in a demonstration at the Service Meeting is something that only the privileged can enjoy. Working your butt off at a "quick builld" or whatever they call it now is something that only a "qualified publisher" can do. Helping the Bethelites and giving them free labor and expertise is something that only the blessed ones can enjoy.

    The crazy thing is that they get intelligent able bodied persons to believe that they are furthering kingdom interests for Jehovah God Himself! They tell you that IF you do everything they say, you will recieve "blessings".

    When you look at all the old Bethelites that gave EVERYTHING up to support the Watchtower-----only to be unceremoniously dumped from their homes, their work-----with ZERO compensation-----you gotta wonder what is wrong. How sad to GIVE GIVE GIVE only to be rewarded with nothing at all in return. ....Maybe this generation of Jehovah's Witnesses will be smarter than we were. I hope so.

  • changeling

    My parents were very priviledged by JW standards. Now they are destitute.


  • minimus

    There you go! The Watchtower Organization is a giant leech. A bloodsucker.

  • poppers

    "The Watchtower Organization is a giant leech. A bloodsucker."

    Yes, and that goes against their doctrine against consuming blood ;)

  • erandir

    After reading this thread and remembering how I was duped into the "privelege" scam even while in the back of my mind I saw it for what it was, I just had the "privilege" of puking.

  • minimus

    It sucks when you actually realize how badly you've been duped.

    I remember how the elders met and discussed the need to have someone take care of the lawn. One young man volunteered to do (which was great because no one else would take the assignment). But a few of the elders remarked that since he only got 8 hours per month in service, he wasn't privileged enough to do this menial task! I couldn't believe it!!! When I remarked that unless THEY were willing to commit to this assignment, they should not worry about the hour situation, they backed off and allowed him to take care of the lawn.....How wonderful of them!

  • erandir

    Oh yes...the 10 hour requirement, so you can show off your "exemplary" status to the whole congregation. Woo hoo...stupid Pharisees.

  • minimus

    And if a Service Committee is very picky, nobody, it seems, can qualify as "exemplary".

  • ithinkisee

    Elder: "If you get your field service hours up you can be used in the congregation."

    Me: "No one likes feeling used - including me."

  • minimus

    That very expression---"being used" should set off alarms immediately. Talk about being honest!

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