My situation is a little different than most.The only family I have in the Borg are my in-laws who don't care much for me any way. While my husband has studied off and on for years and is currently attending most meetings, he has never felt "ready" to get baptized.
I was in the truth (gag) for 10 years, went through a bad divorce from an unbeliever and disassociated myself , I was depressed, worn out and felt guilty for not being able to keep up with the "do more" BS. I still believed and blamed myself. I met my current husband and we dated for 12 years during the 11 years I was away from the congregation and the first year after my re-instatement. He was supposedly ready to get baptized, that was almost 5 years ago. His parents were JW's and it was our goal to serve Jehovah.
Our marriage has not been easy because he stays out late on week-ends with worldly friends,has a Bible study of his own and studies with a little boy from the hall. I have hated his hypocrisy and the fact that he is in the school. We have actually become close again because I share a lot of my new views with him.
I told my husband I no longer care if he parties and gives talks at the hall because I no longer believe that THAT religion represents God in any way he would want to be represented. I also made it clear that I hope he never gets baptized TO AN ORGANIZATION.
This has all come out slowly since May as "I have concerns, I am doing research in the Society's publications." I have told my best friend the same thing.
Two weeks ago I decided that I don't care if I am disfellowshipped because I am not totally free to write letters to the editor, support Silent Lambs, or anything else I might want the freedom to do. I feel the same way about my marriage and lack of that freedom. It's been rocky and I've put up with a lot, however my husband recently told me he recognizes that our problems have been his doing and he doesn't know how or why I've put up with it.
The elders are my friends and should not even be talking to me in an un-official
capacity because they already know the following:
1) I no longer believe in the FDS as God's channel of communication.
2) I've done tons of research on the evil internet.
3) I have read "Crisis of Conscience" and "Christian Freedom".
4) My intention is to explain why I feel the way I do. I am doing this at my best friend's request and am not afraid or worried about the consequences.