Not caring if you are disfellowshipped is a good place to be. It shows that you have made some progress. Question: have you read Steven Hassan's "Combatting Cult Mind Control" yet? If not, I strongly suggest that you not only study it well (underlining the points which apply to the WTS), but also share these key points with your husband. If you are so inclined, some of the research in Hassan's book just might make the elders themselves a bit queasy if you share it with them.
One of the points that Hassan makes is that ALL cultic groups practice what is called Information Control. This involves telling the members never to read any information that disagrees with or is unflattering of the group / organization. All cultic groups also display a very irrational disdain and fear of former members. All cultic groups and churches command their members never to have contact with, or the read any material published by a former member.
You may find it interesting for example, that there is not a single Scripture that can support a ban on books by former members such as Raymond Franz. Oh, the elders will surely try to use various proof texts, but the ones that they use are in the context of either those who are unrepentant fornicators, drunkards, and extortioners, or those who have abandoned the Christian faith all together. Just because someone cannot conscientiously support an organization does not make them an "anit-Christ". If this were true, then one would have to state that people such as William Tyndale and John Wycliff were also anti-Christs. And if they try to play the "Faithful Slave card" (i.e. "the Slave Says"); you can kindly tell them that not even a "Faithful Slave" has the right to speak where the Scriptures are silent. If they do, they are no longer "discreet".
If you do have a confrontation with elders, make sure you remain very calm, cool, and collected. JWs always expect "apostates" to be angry and demonstrate a rebellious attitude. Show them that you are rational and sober-minded about the matter. They will want to make you feel flustered and off-balance. Stick to one topic at a time, and don't let them jump from topic to topic.