People who throw out their cigarette butts out of the car window while driving.
Never drive behind me, eclipse.
by exwitless 72 Replies latest social humour
People who throw out their cigarette butts out of the car window while driving.
Never drive behind me, eclipse.
ok I'm back, had to go get some cheetos thanks to little drummer boy.
People with full shopping carts in the express lines.
People that cannot properly park a car.
Seeing people yell, spank or beat their kids in public.
mrsjones.....weren't you on the view? i am officially ducking now.
Oh no you didin't...are trying to say I'm fat or I look like Whoopi...Jesus H Christ it's the black thang aint it?
lol, i was just kidding, you are a beautiful woman mrs. jones. if we both weren't happily married, i'd be hitting on you.
maybe someone can help me. what movie was it, when a bunch of white guys were being made to row a boat, and there was a chinese guy whipping them, saying he couldn't tell them apart because they all looked alike. priceless. i wish i could remember what that was from.
Nvr, I would drive behind you if you were going somewhere interesting.
But that probably would not be a problem, I would be far ahead of you, on my way to getting a speeding ticket.
Hey DragonLady, how do you feel about kids yelling, spanking or beating their parents in public? - just curious.
I find it annoying most of the time when I'm saying something and people can't wait to start the one upsmanship contest. Usually, you barely get finished speaking and they'll start with "It's like..." No, it isn't. It's exactly like I just described it!! I used to do that and realized that I wasn't conversing at all, just trying to get some words in. I quit doing that and becameoooooooooooooooooooooetter listener and ml,; pmpmommmmmmmmmmmmpp
LOL my real pet Peeve jumped on the keyboard and he makes more sense than I.
Hey DragonLady, how do you feel about kids yelling, spanking or beating their parents in public? - just curious.
<----abused parent
Ok my biggest pet peeve is people cursing, I mean really cursing with little kids around, I have been known to have a dirty mouth but I take care to make sure little ears are not around.
People that talk with food in their mouth. OMG Drives me crazy!!!
Or chew with the mouth open, it makes me ill.
when your waiting for a parking space, and the people your waiting for sit there with their car on. just sitting there.
When people see me walking to my car and decide to follow me to it, not only do I walk slower, but I get in, brush my hair, and make a phone call!!!!!