Islamic Sharia law, Gods law or just barbaric law

by barry 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • barry

    I beleive with Muslims voicing their opinions so openly its time for the average Joe out there to be informed about Sharia law. The law they beleive has come from Allah and is the most superiour law on the face of the earth today.this issue. S

    The link is

    The brutality of these laws amazed me along with the complete lack of forgiveness or rehabitilation of the offender. There was only forgiveness after the horrific mutilation or death of the individual.

    Islam commands that drinkers or gamblers should be whipped.

    Islam allows husbands to hit their wives even if the husband merely fears highhandedness. Saudi television aired a talk show that discussed this issue with a scolar holding up sample rods husbands can use to hit their wives.

    The cutting off of hands of theives both male and female is Gods law.and is carried out in places like saudi and Iran.

    Islam commands that highway robbers should be crucified or mutilated. Some are cross mutilated where the atlernate hand or foot is mutilated.

    Islam commands that homosexuals must be exucuted. In febuary 1998 the Taliban in Afghanistan ordered a stone wall be pushed over three man convicted of sodomy. Their lives were to be spared if they survived for 30 minutes and were still alive when the stones were removed. It should be noted the hadith says that homosexuals should be burned alive or have a wall pushed on them. The Taliban are not Islamic fanatics they are just obeying the ruling of their religion.

    Islam orders unmarried fornicators be whipped and adulterers be stoned to death.

    Islam orders death for Muslim and possible death for non-muslim critics of Muhammad and the Quran and even sharia itself.

    Islam orders apostates to be killed.

    How can anyone take any of these laws seriously but many people around the world beleive they are the laws of God and are trapped in a barbaric system of justice.


  • Elsewhere

    Awwww come one now! Haven't you heard the Muslims on the news say that Islam is sooooo very peaceful????

    Who ya gonna believe? The guy on the news or the guy with the hand-chopping sword and suicide vest?

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    Islam commands that highway robbers should be crucified or mutilated. Some are cross mutilated where the atlernate hand or foot is mutilated.

    Is it only me? Barry...when I go between looking at your avatar and reading the post, the thing that keeps popping into my mind is the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

  • barry

    Gday Who are you, Someone once told me when I had a mo I look like John Cleese and thats why hes there.

    I hope Merry posts here shes got some explaining to do, maybe she willl place a fatwa on me.

  • Blueblades

    Barry thanks for the brief info. Islamics ideology is to make the whole world Islamic. To achieve that they must kill all the infidels. Mercy is not given to anyone ,not even their own. This shows what a book can do to people's minds. Religion poisons everything. Religion's history is filled with Barbaric Law.


  • Dragonlady76

    I see no difference between Islam and JW's they are both willing to inflict pain, torture and death in the name of religion.

  • DeusMauzzim

    Attention please: "The" Sharia Law does not exist!

    Sharia is an ideal concept of the "Law of God". It's concrete manifestation in history is called Fiqh ('Law') and differs greatly from society to society and time to time, just as the concept of 'Law' in the West.

    Fiqh is a combination of various factors (the usul al-fiqh or 'roots of the law'), such as:

    • Qur'an (the revelation of Allah)
    • Sunna (the 'example' of the Prophet)
    • Ijma (community or scholary consensus, depending on who and when you ask)
    • Qiyas (analogy, casuistics)

    In Shia Islam, Qiyas is replaced with 'Aql (reason, whatever that means)

    Furthermore, there is a 1000+ year old discussion about concepts as Ijtihad (struggle of interpretation, from the same root as jihad) and Taqlid (imitation)

    This is just to say the issue is somewhat more complex than some earlier posts might suggest.

    For those interested, the wikipedia article on Sharia might be a good start (

    Kind Regards,

    Deus Mauzzim

    (of the nuance-is-my-religion-class ^^)

  • dobbie

    Well if you look at all the barbaric killings in the Bible, things haven't changed much have they. Obviously its disgusting, wasn't there a girl about 16 executed not so long ago?makes me think they actually act out what the jws are wanting to happen to us apostates/sinners etc.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Deus - Your previous post (that shariah law doesn't exist) is close to what I was taught when I studied Islam. Our (sunni) teacher stated quite clearly that there is NO true 'Islamic State' on the earth today - not even Saudi Arabia.

    Application of Fiqh is what should make it possible for a Muslim to live quite happily under the state law in a non-Muslim country (as long as any law passed doesn't contradict the 'higher law' - so eg, they wouldn't condone abortion).

    He also encouraged our class to excercise another oft ignored part of Islam - thecaliphate - that each individual Muslim is a caliph ie ambassador/representative of Allah - hence they must behave in a way which does not bring shame upon the religion or Allah. Like I said - oft ignored...

    All this said, I still find some of the punishments which would be prescribed under genuine Islam very harsh.

  • Forscher

    Thanks for pointing out the schizophrenic nature of sharia law DM.

    Many folks, especially Muslims, don't realize just how little sharia law has to do with the Koran. Much, if not most, of it is based on Arab and/or local tribal custom than the, supposed, directions from God. I guess the Muslims have that much in common with most of Christendom. Not that I think Islam has anything to do with God to begin with, I don't. But it just goes to show that men from just about all religions subvert whatever their Gods' views are with their own thinking and desires.


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