Anyone d'ad d'fd and not being shunned?

by dobbie 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dobbie

    Looks like the witnesses in our congregations here are the Watchtower Witness type then Garybuss lol!Theres only one out of them that has spoken to me and i think that might be because she was d'fd for a while so she knows what its like. She was always one of the few i really liked as well.

    Thanks for your answers its sointeresting how they all differ on this as well, with the hardline stance the wt have on this subject i'm glad there are still individuals who don't totally put their beliefs before family.

  • R.F.

    I sure wish I could pull this off. If I could, i'd be writing out my DA letter right this minute.

  • greendawn

    My sister and her family never shunned me though I DAed from the JWs back in the 1980's. I also think in other cultures beyond the English speaking world where family ties are very strong the shunning of family members is not really taken seriously. It makes no sense in their cultural set up.

  • garybuss

    Quite a few Witnesses talk to me and I'm in the running for apostate poster boy in these parts. Of course many of my relatives are Watchtower Witnesses. They also shun quite a few active Witnesses they don't like.

    I might be past the point of Witnesses bothering me very much personally. I think they're funny. I do pity the Witness kids and I advocate for all the victims of the Witnesses.

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