Taking a look at them helped me to leave. When you realize that something like 98% of all species that have ever lived went extinct before man came on the scene, Genesis becomes a joke.
by DeusMauzzim 24 Replies latest jw friends
Taking a look at them helped me to leave. When you realize that something like 98% of all species that have ever lived went extinct before man came on the scene, Genesis becomes a joke.
They did in the early 80s. Anyone got a copy of the old My Book of Bible Stories book and can scan the page showing the Flood?
I remember! The brontosaurus holding fast to a tree raft while stretching his long neck or something like that!
Thanks for bringing back a very old memory
- Deus Mauzzim
I think there was a time in the past when the JWs believed that dinosaurs were all together mythical creatures that never really existed. As for the fundies they believe that everything was created in six literal days a few thousand years ago.
Old Light:
Creative Days:
Were 6,000 years long. Therefore, fossils can't be more than 42,000 years old. Wasn't it real fun sitting in Science class with that theological albatross hung 'round your neck?
Vegetarian lions:
Isaiah says the lion will eat straw like the bull. That's literal. Jehovah will just completely rework the ecosystems of the entire planet. No problem.
New Light: (at least where I think it's going)
Creative Days:
Will eventually be allowed to be millions of years long. In fact, you could say the Sept. 2006 Awake! is promoting that idea, if you really want it to.
"Contrary to the claims of some Fundamentalists, Genesis does not teach that the universe, including the earth and all living things on it, was created in a short period of time in the relatively recent past." pg 20, par 5.
Vegetarian Lions:
They're gonna say it's symbolic as soon as a few more old timers die off. The new light back-pedaling "weasel words" are already in place.
Here's a quote from the Isaiah Prophecy Book, Vol II, pg 388, par 33, published in 2001.
*** ip-2 chap. 26 p. 388 par. 33 “Be Joyful Forever in What I Am Creating” ***
"How far-reaching will the promised peace and security be? Jehovah concludes this portion of the prophecy: “‘The wolf and the lamb themselves will feed as one, and the lion will eat straw just like the bull; and as for the serpent, his food will be dust. They will do no harm nor cause any ruin in all my holy mountain,’ Jehovah has said.” (Isaiah 65:25) When the faithful Jewish remnant return to their homeland, they will be under Jehovah’s care. A lion will,
eat straw like a bull, for the lion will do no harm to the Jews or their domestic animals."
(spacing and ALL CAPS were added by me)
If you want to read a more in-depth discussion of Vegetarian Lions, here's a link:
What rubs me raw is that all these years we were just supposed to nod our heads and accept these obviously lame-brained teachings. But will we ever see anything that resembles a retraction or APOLOGY!!! No way! In fact, I doubt we'll even see these two embarrasing little pieces of wacky WT theology ever portrayed as "new light". It'll just kind of slither in there over the decades.
Open Mind
My cousin told me about her sister-in-law. They were in the museum looking at genuine dinosaur fossils and her sil mumbles, "Yeah, as if they ever existed." I had never heard of people not believing in dinosaurs, crazy! Aparently, she thinks that Satan put dinosaur bones in the ground to spread lies about God. (They're not JWs)
Kid: Hey Dad, let me tell you about my favorite dinosaur!
Dad: Dinosaurs! Don't be silly, there's no such thing! Now, let me tell you about Santa and the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.
An ex jw told this story- the bones were put on earth because God knew small children would enjoy them so much!
As I recall, when I was 'studying' in the mid 1960's, I rationalized dinosaurs, along with help from the Borg as; the dinosaurs were to keep the forest cover pruned until man could expand the 'garden', the dinosaurs were destroyed in The Flood, and their 'remains' are part of present day fossil fuel deposits.....
Not even the WTS is stupid enough to say (currently) they were around for the flood.They did in the early 80s. Anyone got a copy of the old My Book of Bible Stories book and can scan the page showing the Flood?
I don't see any dinosaurs. ????
Open Mind
Hmm, that picture appears to be edited. I remember another version which clearly shows the head of a Tyrannosaurus. I remember also thinking how stupidly they drew it, as the creature had its mouth pointed down, as if it were drinking, not up, as if it were gasping for air. The image looked exactly as if someone had traced one of Charles Knights famous dinosaur paintings of a Tyrannosaur directly onto the "flood" image.