What Positive Things Have You Achieved Since Leaving?

by sweet pea 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ninja


  • ninja

    sorry just trying to be fly and get my post count up.....muhahahaha

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Last night, I was able to wrap up two lovely birthday gifts for a couple of special people, without even giving the remotest thought to whether or not it was okay "in jehovah's eyes." Things like that rarely cross my mind when celebrating special occasions. I just enjoy them. I attended college and graduated with a degree in Liberal Arts. I am able to visit a psychiatrist and accept help without the interference of a controlling religious organization. I feel confident that if I need other medical care, such as a blood transfusion in an emergency, there will be no one to interfere with it. I have a lovely, independent-minded daughter who is growing each day, away from my cult-influenced family, towards a wider view of the world and its people. She will, no doubt, "know things I'll never know" in this "Wonderful World" (think of the song).

  • the outspoken one
    the outspoken one

    What a great question. Since leaving 9 years ago I have achieved so much. I got a professional in the criminal justice system.This job was so great I got to see all those naughty witnesses who committed crimes and give them an "oh dear what are you doing here look". You would be amazed how many convicted sex offenders attend the KH. (THEN AGAIN YOU WOULD NOT BE SUPRISED)I have been to Uni and achieved a 2:1 degree. I have had two children,have a great partner, have 6 businesses and a fleet of top of the range cars, in which I have endless fun driving past borg members and watching the "hater" reaction. I was so weak and naive while in the borg but I am so strong now it is scary. I am so confident now that I have managed to achieve a bit of a role reversal when I see witlesses. Instead of me putting my head down and crossing the road when I see them I make them so uncomfortable and nervous that they have to look down and cross over. Strangely enough I was visiting a fellow dissed sistren only yesterday and another very confused dissed sisteren arrived who still wants to go back. She asked the usual sad mentally programmed question of when are you coming back and just could not get to grips with the context of NEVER. She then robotically ranted about how selfish I was because I was not thinking of my kids to which I responded thats exactly who I am thinking about I want to protect them from brainwashing. She then tried the death angle to which I replied I don't need to worry about paradise or ressurection I will be content with just having lived life and dying happy.Again she just couldn't understand that that I would not succumb to armaggedon scare tactics. Just for clarification I added " It's not me who should be worried about armageddon its the rest of you I will be standing there looking at your dead bodies on the floor because god likes the genuine article . With that she decided to leave. So the moral of the story is you can achieve inner strength when leaving the borg and defeat them. If your not sure how your inner strenght is progressing - try it on a witless you will soon know where your at.

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    My mind is better (believe it or not). I actually think about the future in terms of it going on without me, and in terms of how what I do or don't do today will impact the future for others. I think in terms of very deep time - about the past and the future - and how I can positively or negatively impact the future, in terms of my own "ecological footprint" - not in terms of a "new system" to come. A "new system" is a nice dream, but I know it's also nonsense, and planning for utopia or for heaven can be an excuse to be irresponsible with the finite resources of this beautiful, but damaged planet. I'm a bit depressed by that, but I am definitely a lot less fatalistic than I was as a JW.

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    MQ - What a star woman you are, so pleased for you and your daughter.

    MonoP - Fantastic to hear.

    SteveP - Glad the dullards didn't succeed!

    TOO - Welcome to the club. We're not worthy! :-)

    This thread is putting one huge cheesy grin on my face - it's priceless to hear about all the good stuff that is happening in all you great people's lives. It gives us all hope.

  • anewme

    I feel I have awakened from a coma and have been asleep mentally for the last 35 years!
    Everything is new and exciting and interesting and Im glad to be here!
    Im glad to be ANYWHERE after what I went through!

    For me, just staying alive now and laughing and enjoying each day is a triumph over that creepy group who would rather see me dead!


  • greendawn

    A normal adaptation to life being able to manipulate my work, social and sexual life just as I see fit and not being guided and driven by lies and illusions. Not being enslaved to alien concepts that militate against my personal interests.

  • parakeet

    Two college degrees. A child reared to have an open mind. But above all, FREEDOM!

  • joelbear69

    got my bachelors degree found a life partner who i have been with almost 19 years had a successful career in banking discovered new hobbies travelled almost the entire U.S.

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