What Positive Things Have You Achieved Since Leaving?

by sweet pea 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I have totally reconciled with my Dfd son and put his fears of dying at armegeddon to rest. Could I ask for more?

  • moomanchu

    Sleeping late Saturday and Sunday and not rushing around Tuesday and Thurday night to getting ready for the meeeeeeeeeeting.

  • FreeGirl2006

    A life, a BBA, dating some interesting men, a small group of genuine friends who care about me no matter what & vice versa. The list could go on. I enjoy life each day rather than looking into a tunnel into a future in Stepford Paradise.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Hey Sweet Pea,

    It's been so long since I left that crazy org, but other than having my husband and my kids to love, and a career and degree in nursing, just being able to make my own decisions without the organization and elders and even parents telling you what you should be doing, saying, feeling.....blah, blah, blah......

    Life is here and now. Who knows what the future will bring, what will happen when we die. But I do know what I have right here and right now in front of me and I plan to love, live and be happy until the day I die!


  • moshe

    I had about 8 years of torture, but I won in the end. My son and daughter both rejected the JW's and quit the KH- they never got baptised. My son and daughter both went on to school and got degrees. I have two beautiful granddaughters who look just like my daughter. My new wife and I adopted an orphan from Russia in 2003. She is our sweetheart and is just starting 3rd grade.

    I am so grateful these little girls will never have to be abused by a JW lifestyle.


  • Shawn10538

    graduated from college!

  • exwitless
    I feel I have awakened from a coma and have been asleep mentally for the last 35 years!
    Everything is new and exciting and interesting and Im glad to be here!
    Im glad to be ANYWHERE after what I went through!

    For me, just staying alive now and laughing and enjoying each day is a triumph over that creepy group who would rather see me dead!

    So very true!

    In our case, we're only a few weeks away from our one year anniversary of DA'ing. What a wonderful, peaceful year it's been. Not everything has been great or easy; just cuz we're out of the borg doesn't mean life is suddenly perfect. But god, it's so much easier to make decisions based on our own good judgement, what we want, and not worry about how that will look to the dubs.

    LDB finished college and got a very nice job. I have a great job (and have had it for 7 years). We have now celebrated all the holidays once. Soon our 9-year-old son will celebrate his second Halloween. I'm furthering my nursing degree-working towards my BSN.

    We can say "Good luck" without guilt. We can wish someone a Happy Birthday.We can go to Holiday craft shows. We can feel completely non-judgemental towards others in respects to their beliefs, practices, etc. This was one of the first things I noticed when we DA'd. This thick veil of judgement was lifted from our eyes, and it was like we were seeing things unclouded for the first time in 14 years. I could go on and on . . .

  • Rebirth
    Purps' wonderful thread about Love made me wonder about something else.

    What have you achieved/become since leaving the organisation that proves there is a happy, successful life outside being a Jehovah's Witness?

    For me, although it's only been a very short time, too short to achieve much, I count becoming: non-judgemental of my fellow man; a mum that can give her kids all the room to grow and blossom without fear of 'sinning' or being kicked out for bad behaviour; a person that can feel comfortable worshipping in a church or not, depending on whatever I feel like doing; someone who can love and give freely and celebrate life in all it's glory (I just love birthdays!), and generally one that is free to think and question without fear of judgement. Although it is and has been painful leaving, there are so many, many, upsides and I feel that this is just the beginning.... Who knows, maybe one day I'll become a brain surgeon or an outer space traveller. LOL.

    How about you guys and gals?

    I could have written your post almost word for word.

    I'm having the best time enjoying life with a whole new attitude. I no longer have this cloud of dread hanging over my life. The world is a beautiful place filled with mostly good people. We all are trying to watch out for ourselves, and that doesn't make us bad, it makes us smart and realistic.

    I've been able to go back to school. I've got a successful business. My children are fully intergrated into life and friends, they are enjoying their childhoods completely.

    I'm happy.

  • PEC

    I never have to question weather something I am doing will stumble someone.


  • oompa

    Looks like i saved my marraige, and my wife and I will try and respect each others differences. I can now start coming off some of my meds! As I doubt i need most of them now.


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