My Church Visit Today felt Strangely JWlike....

by AK - Jeff 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • truthsearcher

    I'm sorry Jeff that you have had a negative experience at church, especially since you enjoyed your first Memorial so much! Unfortunately, when the Bible speaks about being wary of false teachers creeping into the church, it is addressing the reality that this can happen in any situation, not just the Witnesses. I have heard of 4 or 5 churches that have turned into high control cults (met former members that have left or been kicked out), and no doubt this is a danger anytime when Christians check their brains at the door! I also have attended churches where the pastors were leaning in a dangerous way over time. Just because a church is independent, doesn't mean it can't fall victim to the same type of cultic thinking that plagues the well-organized and well-known "major cults." It usuall causes major division and heartbreak among the church members, and I am convinced that it is a type of spiritual warfare or attack against Christ's Body.

    Of course, the dilemna is that the Bible does say that the congregation has shepherds, who are there to help lead the sheep. So how much authority should those shepherds have? This is a hot topic among congregations. How is the church leadership team to be organized--should it be run from the top down, or from the congregation up? Or somewhere in the middle? Where are the checks and balances to ensure that spiritual abuse is not taking place? How do we ensure that the deacons or elders aren't just being the pastor's "yes men"?

    As far as your experience goes, shame on them for not previewing the video to ensure that it teaches what the church believes or supports! I hope that someone will speak up and remind them of their responsibility in this matter. Jeff, if you get a chance, express your concerns by phone or in a letter. You will be doing the other members of the church a service!

    In the meantime, don't give up your search. We do need fellowship, support, teaching, and corporate worship. Keep reading and studying the Scriptures yourself, so that you can rightly divide the Word of God.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Jeff-have you read In Search of Christian Freedom by Ray Franz yet? If not, I would highly recommend it. He has quite an interesting perspective on the nagging feeling about 'where to go' once you've left the borg. If I were you, I'd skip a Sunday church visit and stay home to read it.

    Exwitless - yes. In fact, I could probably write the 'forward' for it. I think I have read it 3 times now. It was the second key that helped me unlock the prison doors - right after CoC. I always kind of wondered whether Ray's perspective on house church, etc, was based on a little carry over of the WTS doctrine against all churches as evil - though I don't know that as fact. It is tough to shed that idea for some I think.


  • lisavegas420

    Can I ask how old your grandchildren are? And how did you know it was a safe place to leave them?

    just wondering.


  • IP_SEC

    Thank you Jeff. Interesting. I've never been to another church.

    Religion is religion is religion.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Can I ask how old your grandchildren are? And how did you know it was a safe place to leave them?

    just wondering.


    They were thirty feet away and in the basement. I had met the Lady SS teacher prior, and the other kids. There was no danger. Jeff

  • truthsearcher

    I don't know what it is like in the States, but here in Canada, the insurance companies are insisting that churches have an active child protection policy in place--at our church this means police checks for all workers, having 2 people with the kids at all times, children not released to people other than parents, bathroom doors left open when a worker has to take them to the washroom, mandatory yearly training, etc. It is our "Plan to Protect" and it is taken very seriously! We believe the Bible when it says that it would be better for a millstone to be hung around your neck and drowned than to harm a little one. However, parents/grandparents need to check out the policies of the church they are visiting.

  • Apostate Kate2
    Apostate Kate2

    Truthsearcher you described those issues exactly as it is. Hubby and I have been on all sides of this issue and that middle of the road is hard to achieve but not impossible. So much has to be delegated to deacons, boards and volunteers. Sometimes that board turns into a bitchfest nightmare argueing over trash cans. Then there is that ugly part inside people that deep down enjoys sitting at the head of the table and wearing a shiny badge. Those that put faith in the leaders more so than Jesus resulting in a biased view.

    What I have found to be amazing is how much we are needed. We being those of us coming out of the org. we KNOW immediatly when something isn't right. We are above all the fluff because we had fake smiles painted on us from childhood. We are not one of the que sera sera people because we are full of deep scars and will never forget how they got there.

    I don't go to churches to win friends and socialise as much as I am there to remind them what it is all about and sometimes what it isn't. By God's mercy I do keep a few close friends

    Edited to say; Fedor; I can't stop chuckling at your comment...I got a vision in my head of Jeff doing just that now

  • Mum

    My lovely daughter gets physically ill if she attends a church that reminds her of the Kingdom Hall. She can attend a liturgical church, but never those churches where they have little skits and where the focus is not on worship. She panics and bolts if anything reminds her of the KH.

  • M.J.

    You're right. Most people in general don't know the first thing about cult techniques.

    It can be an easy trap for some Pastor to fall into when they find great "motivational techniques" that really start to sow "dedication" and growth in the congregation. "Kip" McKean is one such guy:

  • eclipse

    The only reason I would walk into a church is because I have never been in one, and I am curious about what it looks like inside..

    Just to experience first hand, what it looks like, feels like, smells like, sounds like.

    I would go when no one was there, I have no desire or curiousity about the sermon.

    Just the building itself.

    It is an architectural interest of mine.

    Jeff, that experience would of left me feeling nauseous and sick to my stomach, I would not of been able to sit through it, you are much stronger than I!

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