My Church Visit Today felt Strangely JWlike....

by AK - Jeff 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • JK666


    RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY! (It might be a killer rabbit)


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff


    RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY! (It might be a killer rabbit)


    Well - no plans to 'join' up, that's for sure. I don't really think I got a fair taste of what the church is about at all. I intended to attend the 'worship service' and misread the sign. I got there for the SS and that was long enough for me to be honest. I would have prob stayed and listened to the sermon if I had not had the g-kids along. But I was a bit uneasy due to the way the SS was done, video presentation and all. They said that when they are done with the wookbook, they are back to doing regular SS with the teacher reading texts and inviting comments. I wish it had been one of those weeks instead. Perhaps someone is telling me something here? Jeff

  • poppers

    Hey Jeff, who was the guy on TV? Just curious.

  • Sunspot
    Hey Jeff, who was the guy on TV? Just curious.

    Jeff---I was thinking of sending you a PM asking this same I'll let Poppers do the asking, LOL!

    So FAR.....I have not heard ANYTHING suggestive of a Kingdom Hall or WTS mentality in the little country church I attend. Everything that Pastor has said is strictly from the bible, and I have never seen any bible study aids used. I think we, as former JWs, are a bit more than cautious when we hear what IS being preached, and tend to "check things out" more than the average church-goer, IMHO.



  • Warlock


    Thanks for posting this info. It's not the first time I've heard something like this.

    This is why I have come to the conclusion that God deals with individuals, not organizations.


  • wednesday

    I guess Rutherford was right 'Religion is a snare and a racket". it seems when power is given to someone they always overstep it.

    we thought jws were the only ones, but in reality many churches are very legalistic, esp here in the south-southwest. they do shun also, maybe not announced but they shun.

    I'd like to find a non judgmental place to share with those who want to read the Bible and be like Christ, but refuse to be label anyone a sinner.

  • Apostate Kate2
    Apostate Kate2
    Mum; My lovely daughter gets physically ill if she attends a church that reminds her of the Kingdom Hall. She can attend a liturgical church, but never those churches where they have little skits and where the focus is not on worship. She panics and bolts if anything reminds her of the KH.

    Like the Eagles song lyric, "you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave" If I even think of walking into a Kingdom Hall I feel sick in my gut, it has been 15 years since I have been in one.

    MJ; A-P,
    You're right. Most people in general don't know the first thing about cult techniques.

    It can be an easy trap for some Pastor to fall into when they find great "motivational techniques" that really start to sow "dedication" and growth in the congregation. "Kip" McKean is one such guy:

    Thanks for the site, I hadn't seen it in awhile. He has added so much since the last time I read it, sadly wacko cult mentality is growing to give him more to research.

    Wednesday; it seems when power is given to someone they always overstep it

    Not always! A well functioning church has safeguards in place by having a well functioning church board. They can boot the pastor out if he steps out of line. A church has; Articals of Incorporation that describes exactly how it is to be run. By Laws to protect against tyrants and nuts in power. And the Doctrine of Faith that if preacher deviates from he will get the boot. Just like there are actual families out there that are functioning well and children are loved and nurtured, there are churches that do the same. I have a set of Biblical standards I go by when looking at a church. #1. If it does not have an active community charity, at least one well functioning community charity, it is a dysfunctional church. The only exception would be a Bible College or Seminary.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Hey Jeff, who was the guy on TV? Just curious.

    I have been trying to remember his name. He reminded me of Joel Osteen [sp?]. Very slick. Moved around on the stage alot. Vibrant. I am sure he has plenty of proponents that swear by his every word. I think his last name started with B or D. B I think. I looked thru several evangelist lists and didn't see a name that rang a bell. Jeff


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