
by lavendar 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • lavendar

    According to the WTS, when the big A comes, God will destroy everything & everyone (with the exception of good JWs).....correct? And the earth will turn magically into a paradise.

    How is this supposed to be acheived? How will the 6,000,000 JWs bury BILLIONS of decaying bodies; prevent the spread of decease; build back city infrastructures; restore power; find clean water & food; etc. etc.??

    How do they explain this?


  • Gopher

    The carrion birds are supposed to have a big feast on the corpses of the wicked.

    Jehovah will miraculously release antimatter to destroy what the birds couldn't eat.

    So simple and logical, it MUST be true.

  • sspo

    According to them it will be the birds.

    Fat birds everywhere

  • Leolaia

    Antimatter was suggested as the means through which Jehovah would zap the corpses of the dead into nothingness. Clean, neat, no fuss no mess.

    Originally, they believed that there wouldn't be mass death and that the infrastructure of the world would form part of Christ's kingdom. Now it is all going to be destroyed, but no explanation has been given on how it would be replaced, other than it would be revealed when the time comes.

  • lavendar

    What the heck is "antimatter"??

  • greendawn

    Divine intervention can come to man's aid and accomplish what humans can't do, that is the mentality of the JWs. Of course that's not what we see happening humans are left alone to challenge and solve all their mundane problems using their own brains otherwise life wouldn't be so much fun if everything was done for us.

    Armageddon is nothing but a device to stun people with fear and carry them away as victims.

  • lavendar

    I just looked up "antimatter" in the dictionary..........(still don't know what it is!) Hehehe

  • carla

    That's why you will sometime come across the term 'birdseed' (an old jw term not used much anymore) meaning we, all non jw's are 'birdseed'. Then there is the ever loving term 'sleeping with a corpse', that would be if a jw has a ubm, unbelieving mate. Ain't it grand to have jw's in your life?

  • Mum

    I don't know how it is now, but back in the 1970's, we were instructed to answer questions like yours with, "The Bible doesn't say."

    As for city infrastructure, I believe there are to be no cities in the New Whatever. We are to return to an Eden-like existence as pictured in the Watchtower publications. It's all about fruit and smiling all day at wild animals.



  • lavendar

    There's just no reasoning with brainwashed people, is there?

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