Antimatter comes from dilithium crystals.
by lavendar 16 Replies latest jw friends
As for city infrastructure, I believe there are to be no cities in the New Whatever. We are to return to an Eden-like existence
I guess that wouldn't include a megapolis the size of India and Pakistan?
"And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. It shone with the glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal. It had a great, high wall with twelve gates, and with twelve angels at the gates.... The angel who talked with me had a measuring rod of gold to measure the city, its gates and its walls. The city was laid out like a square, as long as it was wide. He measured the city with the rod and found it to be 12,000 stadia in length, and as wide and high as it is long" (Revelation 21:10-12, 15-16).
That's 4.9 million square kilometers. India is only 3.2 million square kilometers, including disputed territories like the Kashmir. Tokyo, the largest city in the world, is only 13,500 square kilometers counting the whole metropolitan area.
Lavendar: According to the WTS, when the big A comes, God will destroy everything & everyone (with the exception of good JWs).....correct? And the earth will turn magically into a paradise.
How is this supposed to be acheived? How will the 6,000,000 JWs bury BILLIONS of decaying bodies; prevent the spread of decease; build back city infrastructures; restore power; find clean water & food; etc. etc.??
How do they explain this?
Hi Lavendar. Jehovah's Witnesses have usually been convinced that only the 144,000 will go to heaven. This is the opposite of what the Bible teaches.
Do you like reading? Try these.
Matt. 8:11, Pet. 1:3-4, 2 Cor. 4:18-5:2, Phil. 3:20, Matt. 18:3, Matt. 5:3, Matt. 5:10, Matt. 5:12.
Believers in Christ Go To Be With Him and His Father
Where are Christ and His Father?
One day Jesus will return from heaven.
While Our Eternal Home Is Not this Earth, We Have Two Types of Promises Regarding the Earth
Antimatter comes from dilithium crystals.
While Our Eternal Home Is Not this Earth, We Have Two Types of Promises Regarding the Earth
What are they?
And if that is the case, why make humans on earth in the first place, seems redundant and cruel and unusual punishment to me.
While Our Eternal Home Is Not this Earth, We Have Two Types of Promises Regarding the Earth
What are they?
Eclipse, they are:
1. The unrighteous will not prosper for ever in this life on earth because God will step in, eliminate them, and give their land to the just. Wouldn't you be happy to be around to see this come to pass? Or do you prefer that it continues. The just will pass it down as an inheritance to their children after them. If you read Psalm 37 and Matthew 5:5 you find these are examples.
2. Do you know that there will be a period in the future when Christ will reign on the earth for 1000 years (Rev. 20:1-6; Isa. 11:1-10). Do not think that the promise of a period when Christ reigns on earth eliminates the many promises of heaven. A place in heaven has been and is reserved for the saved in general, not for just a few of them. In addition, later, after Christ has ruled as king until God has subjected all things under His feet, He will hand the kingdom over to His Father (1 Cor. 15:24-25).
And if that is the case, why make humans on earth in the first place, seems redundant and cruel and unusual punishment to me.
Eclipse, God made us to live on earth to love, prosper and have the best of everything. He gave us our own minds, but people choose to do bad things. Again it's our own fault. Doing the right things is not always easy. No one is perfect but God is mercyful. That doesn't mean we should do wrong things just to be forgiven. It doesn't work that way. Do we ask forgiveness?
And don't forget, since the wages of sin are death, almost everyone who has EVER lived will be raised back up to have another chance at life. Whatever they did in their previous life is wiped away because THEY ALREADY DIED and paid for those sins, so now they get another chance with a clean slate. Estimates for total human population are in the range of 10-20 Billion people, or more. Imagine 20 Billion people (3 times the current population), without electricity or running water, trying to grow vegetables and build houses. At least there would be plenty of fertilizer. (Ewwww!)
Since this story is all fiction, and not even science fiction. The simplest explanation would be that God thought it all into being. Thats how he got this whole thing started by a thought, conciousness or by a word which is a verbalisation of a thought. If you believe in an all powerful God, leave the hard stuff to him. All the worshipers have to do is bow down and give thanks.
The bible which is the basis for a lot of religion in the USA and the last I checked was the basis for the Wac Tower society says "In the beginging God said let there be light and there was light" Thats the first chapter of Genesis. So After Armegeadon God can just say let there be paradise and there will be paradise.
I start out saying the story is all fiction but if there is a God, who is conciousness, his reality is probably manifest by thought and word.
Since no one really knows how we got here or where we came from, man and the earth, the biblical story of creation is about as good as the big bang, and possibly could be reconciled with it.
I say no one knows. People know. They know just like we knew we had the truth.
Thats the worst kind of knowledge the full of shxt kind.