I was just wondering how many of you still get a quezy feeling in your stomach after hearing someone on the news use the phrase "Peace and Security" or after reports on the news of all the large earthquakes that have been reported this last week or so? I know we can all rationalize that there are always earthquakes and wars etc.... but I swear, no matter how hard I try to shake the sick feeling in my stomach when I hear all this stuff I can't seem to do it. I still have visions in my head of what Armagedon will be like from all the pictures I grew up seeing in the publications, talk about scarred for life. The thought of that and especally now that I have kids, what it would be like to see your kids getting pelted with huge, flaming rocks from the dark clouded skys while people are running, screaming all around you (any one else remember these pictures?) I still second guess myself all the time with the "what if it IS true" scenerio. This religion has scarred my life and I don't think I will ever be able to shake the "what if" feeling except maybe when I have finally grown old and am on my death bed , then I might finally believe that it really was all a sham and feel safe. But by then I will have wasted my life being afraid all the time. Geez, I can't win can I? I think I need some counseling, but honestly, I don't even think that would help. I know though, that I really have felt better after reading many post on this site, as everyone has made me really see how unhealthy and dishonest this organization really is. The fear that was ingrained in me during my upbringing just won't go away. Anyone else feel this way???
Does the news still scare anyone else?
by YoungAmerican 25 Replies latest jw experiences
Study History.
That will put things into proper perspective.
[One of the greatest threats to the sanity of humanity- HISTORICAL MYOPIA]
The fear subsides with knowledge.
Read about what happened in 1918 and 1919 and compare it with things today. Things were bad.
Try Barbara Tuchman's, A Distant Mirror -- The Calamitous 14th Century
Human population exploded in the 19th and 20th centuries not because conditions became worse, but because conditions became better.
Human population exploded in the 19th and 20th centuries not because conditions became worse, but because conditions became better.
I did for about a month. lol I dont even care if joehooba wants to murder me now
I dont even care if joehooba wants to murder me now
He does.
He really does.
You're soooo f*&^in' dead at Armageddon, you blasphemous atheist.
A good way to stop getting scared by the news, is to simply stop listening/watching it. Life is less depressing, then. 99% of it has no affect on us, anyway. I have been avoiding tv/radio news for several yrs, and my life is better, imo.
Surely you have seen the movie, The Manchurian Candidate. The central character has been brainwashed by the Red Chinese to respond to key words and, as I recall, a playing card (Queen of Hearts?) was the trigger for him to assasinate the presidential candidate.
All the things you mention, Wars and reports of wars, earthquakes, famine, pestilence, declarations of "Peace and Security", no natural love for one another etc. are part of your conditioning. They have done a good job on you. Those old hot buttons are hard to shake off.
In history there were much worse times with famines, earthquakes and wars in past centuries and what the JWs claim about these being at their worst levels in our times is nothing but a myth. People can swallow their lies because they don't know history at all or well enough.
But they admitted that their last generation concept was wildly wrong, in 1995.