Good for you!
I know just how you feel. A few years ago (I was around 40, my mom mid 70's), my mom said: "I'm proud of you". My head whipped around and I looked straight at her and said she had never said that to me before. She said: "I know".
Well, this was right after a Watchtower study in which it mentioned how when Jesus was baptized and the voice was heard from heaven saying: "This is my son the beloved, whom I have approved", Jehovah was telling Jesus he was proud of him. It went on to say that parents should do the same.
While it was touching that my mom got the point, it also made that fact the it took around 40 years to say the words stand out even more. It also makes me chaffe because it shows how much my mom is influenced by the WT. Where her feelings real, or was she following orders????