Excellent stuff - Billy Holiday - thanks!
I am glad to say that I never allowed the WTS to interfere with my taste, or experience of music. I understand your anger at missing out on so much.
On your other point, there is indeed much exciting new jazz music taking place, I was just listening to Tim Garland's "Shooting At The Moon" today and it is every bit as exciting as 50's Jazz. What I think the musicians mean when they say that everything important ever stated in the genre was stated in the 50's and 60's is that all that followed, apart from Avante Garde and Free Jazz, was merely restating a theme, not recreating one.
Jean Luc Ponty made some interesting comments on this in an interview recently :
When I started playing jazz and I would be hired in Paris for a month or two months in the same club. We’d play ever night. That’s really how I came up to be a strong player. Too bad young people don’t have that opportunity anymore,” he says. “But now there are schools that didn’t exist in my time. So that’s another story. I think generally speaking, it’s like anything else, the technical level of young musicians, the young generation, has gone up tremendously. They know a lot much quicker because they can take advantage of the experience of the elders, like us.
It is true that technically, many of the the young players are quite remarkable. He went on to say :
Ponty says the number of “real geniuses, as opposed to just followers” are far fewer. “There’s a sort of conformity… The young generation might be more conformist than we were, especially in the ‘60s. It was the whole society, it wasn’t just music. The goal was to push the limits and experiment and that was praised. We were able to experiment and develop our own vision. Nowadays, for young musicians, it’s very difficult to find a record deal, especially if they don’t comply to a specific style so that the record companies will know how to market it. We did not have that worry when I started. That has to be taken into consideration.
I also think he is correct in suggesting that conformity is a requirement with the music companies in a way that was not true in the 60's. Back then a lack of conformity, which allowed greater experimentation, was actually encouraged by these record companies. As he notes, it has to do with creativity apart from interpreters of style, though he has faith in the future.
“I see two branches, basically. Those who really conform and learn jazz like we were learning classical music before. They are not really creators. They are more interpreters of styles that they learned and reproduced. But I still hear young people who have their own vision and who are experimental and are able to use the sounds and tool of their generation. In Europe, there is a whole movement that is especially strong in Scandinavia where they play acoustic jazz but mix it with some electronic sounds and some rock rhythms. There are some pretty good things.
“I think we can trust mankind to always produce some individuals who will be able to change music at some point.”
Cheers - HS