when they ask Where will you go...........the answer

by purplesofa 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    yep, everyone i have talked to -----first question they ask----but where will you go? i tell them anywhere as long as it is away from the clutches of the wt

    the house is on fire! i want out of it. just like any burning house, when you flee the flames you sure as hell aren't thinking about where you will sleep from then on. Your ONLY concern is getting out.

  • purplesofa


    sent this to me in a pm

    its so true...........they have us so hooked, but where will you go?

    I say ANYWHERE is better

    NKNB, hope all is good with you, you will land someplace extraordinary,

    heaps of love,


  • why???

    very true!

  • Stealth453

    Where ever I want to go.

  • Gopher

    I read a book by a very successful marketer and businessman.

    He said - once you identify and rule out what you DON'T want in life, amazing possibilities will come to you.

  • JamesThomas

    Sadly funny how a Witness feels they need to go somewhere. But they do.

    If they don't have the WBTS tit, you gotta give them a new one, or they ain't leaving the one they got. It's really an infantile mind set that is impossible to deal with, unless they have come to embody some inkling of maturity on their own.

    That said, how about going no where? How about just being present right here, right now, with the only reality there ever IS? Who woulda thought!?

    But this sounds ludicrous to someone who is addicted to reaching past reality into some fantasy future. They live a dream, and sadly will die having never lived. The walking dead are common, and includes far more than just the Witness.



  • JK666

    We were told to flee from Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. They are a part of it! JK

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Alternative for those who still believe in christianity but not the WT way:

    Inform them that's a misquote - Peter actually said "WHO shall we go away to? YOU (ie JESUS - not the WTS!) have the words of eternal life"

    Tell em you're going back to Jesus!!

  • carla

    I agree with Sad Emo. I always thought it was rather blasphemous that jw's apply that script to themselves or rather the org. To whom not where.

  • blondie


    I always say I follow the Bible as I understand it by my personal reading. When an individual or organization go beyond the bible, then they cannot be from God. I use this especially they have already agreed that the WTS teaches things that have no scriptural basis.


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