Anti Witnessing, do you do it?

by bikerchic 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • bikerchic

    And if so how?

    Today I was at a laundry mat and saw several JW mags and tracts. I threw them all away in the trash can!

    I also tell everyone I have an opportunity about being in a cult, the JW's and have had many interesting conversations. Amazing how many people tell you they think it's a cult too.

    Anyway too many years to make up for with the anti witnessing but it's sure fun!

  • worf

    Hello bikerchic,

    Yes. I do anti witnessing whenever the opportunity present itself. I tell people what I experienced and about the judicial procedures and all of its cult teachings and how the borg breaks up family. I also anti witness to jw's themselves when I see them in streetwork or if they come to my door. I just play the role as if I'd never been a witness and I quote scriptures to them that they can never give an answer to.

    Its fun. They prove every time that they really are robots who can't think for themselves.


  • dobbie

    Yes i do whenever possible now, i think its important to give people the 'other side of the story' of being a jw and how you are treated when you leave etc. I'm really proud to know that hubby and i are actually putting people of even talking to jws at the door, most people are disgusting and say they're not christian at all.

  • searcher

    I certainly do.

    In the past I have prepared 'tracts' shown them to friends and aquaintences who showed an interest in the WTBTS.

    Shown them the things they will not be told until they are deaper in, I know for a fact that two of the people I have spoken to have cancelled their 'Bible Studies' and several have dropped their interest in the society.

    I find this method easier than trying to 'witness the witnesses out'.

  • prophecor

    Happened to be on JWD in my mechanics garage, a couple of days ago. His partner would see me on this site that talked of Jehovah's Witnesses. Though he never read anything, only that it was emblazoned with the big advertisement in the left hand screen. He asked me, finally, " Are you a Jehovah's Witness? " I said I was at one time, are you? He then begins to tell me about his life in Antigua. How his parents are witnesses. He was raised in but never Baptised. He then begins to relay how witnesses here are so different then in his native land. They're more materialistic here in America.

    I go on to explain how there are things that he should know about the organisation that he'll never get anywhere other than here, at JWD.

    He's not computer savy so he has no idea how much info is available. He was rather shocked to find there was child molestation issues going on in the Kingdom Halls. I also brought the issue of the UN to his attention on the web.

    I informed him that there are things he needs to know regarding our past. The things we once believed and the things we no longer do, now. If he wished to return to the Kingdom Hall, then he'd at least have a much better perspective on the situation,

    I explained that, yes I am an apostate, but that there is more to being an apostae than what you will hear from on the inside.

    When the opportunity presents itself, in the best format, then I do try to give people who may be in the truth, a chance to see things from a different perspective. I try to discern those who could be helped by this info, as opposed to upsetting some peoples apple cart by giving them information they may not be able to handle.

    Sometimes, somethings are better left unsaid.

  • Xena

    I don't go out of my way to but it if comes up I feel comfortable offering my viewpoint on the religion.

  • Stealth453

    Every single chance I get.

  • blondie

    I ask them what they think about the jws to get an idea of how much and what direction to go.

    Wonder about why not go in military...I bring up the UN break in neutrality.

    Blood transfusions--tell them that jws are now allowed to use products made from stored blood though they teach that the Bible forbids storing blood.

    If they bring up Christmas, I tell them that jws can use pinantas despite the religious connotation, or go to luaus they are really pagan feasts to false gods..........

    Wont celebrate birthdays...yet celebrated the 100 birthday of its organization becoming incorporated in 1884.

    Disfellowship adulterous wives for 8 years but only 8 months for pedophile who kidnapped his wife at gunpoint.

    That jws teach that everyone who is not a baptized jw will die soon at Armageddon, inlcuding their young children.


  • Junction-Guy

    I never let an opportunity to anti-witness get by me.

  • Crafty Lady
    Crafty Lady

    Yep, I sure do. I don't discuss doctrine since I'm an atheist and so don't care about it. But I do talk about how families are affected. They seem to be pretty surprised that people are shunned by their relatives. I don't bring the subject up but I can't resist when the subject of religion comes up.


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