Her personal diarys and letters have revealed she doubted Gods reality and this in turn caused her to ask herself "Is Jesus true?" She no longer prayed right up until her death. In my opinion this in no way detracts from her being a wonderful, self sacrificing woman.
Mother Teresa doubted God's existence during her last years
by Gregor 48 Replies latest jw friends
I consulted my old friend Father Joseph (call no man your father...) and he said this was all lies. How could the church be wrong, how could the pope be wrong, and the College of Cardinals are never wrong. So Gregor, from Joseph, to me, and now to you - how could Teresa (call no woman your mother) have felt this way living in beautiful India, where prosperity abounds to all?
Joseph has been in rehab for the past 25 years, but a fervent Catholic at heart. I met him in the door to door, and we stayed in touch. He believes that if one has spirit, then the New Earth could abound amdist any earthly hell
Ya think you might hear about this in a WT or Awake article? Or in a public talk soon?
Oh absolutely, M.J.! The WTS is going to go to town with this one!
I now see Mother Theresa as Intellectually honest.
If only more people of so-called "Faith" would publicly make us aware of the true nature of their intelligent awareness of the "nothing" at the center of their belief it would enable us to view them as honest rather than lazy wankers hitching a free ride on God's nickel.
"Where is my faith?" she writes. "Even deep down … there is nothing but emptiness and darkness. ... If there be God — please forgive me."
A direct quote from her writings -
Well, that's what happens when there's nothing physically strange or wrong with your brain, I suppose. I'm sure she wanted to believe with all her heart.
If for no other reason than statistical probability, I'm sure she saw things that some people would interpret as miracles.
And I'm sure she sometimes felt a warmth inside her when she was praying.
But when you don't really feel or see anything real from God after having served Him your whole life... ...I guess it's easy to stop believing.
(there was another thread on this not long ago, with more reference - "Works not enough - faith not enough" I think the thread was called)
It seems to me Mother Teresa was a very honest & humble person. I think no one can boast about "knowing" or understanding God so well. Those that claim such are arrogant, judgmental, critical and self-righteous and would never spend their time or heart with the lowly people like she did.
have felt this way living in beautiful India, where prosperity abounds to all?
Lawrence~I love how you wrote your paragraph. lol and I mean this in the most lighthearted of ways, but this is one funny as hell question. You are joking right?
Gregor. Where can I find these diaries? This is most interesting. I absolutely admire her work and often refer to her quotes. She lived an amazing life. Strange as it may seem I would find her even more amazing if this were found true. A humanist. Something I always admire if done right.
She was only human. Of course, the WTS is likely to have a field day with this.
Do you think these verses will have any effect on their condemnation of her?
Matthew 27:45 Now from the sixth hour darkness fell over all the land until the ninth hour. (46) And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is, My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?