Hey baby, what's your sign?

by Bridgette 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • MrMoe

    Michael -- OH MY!!! I was born January 23, 1977 - 10 years to THE DAY of when you were born - super cool!!!

  • Michael3000

    Ah, to be 24 again! Love your tattoo, by the way!


    "Any day spent NOT knocking on doors is a good day!"

  • bboyneko

    Pisces: 03/08/1979 thats march 8th for all you weirdo overseas people who write your month and day backwards...and slipnslidemaster that wasnt very nice :(

  • MrMoe

    Spank you Michael!

  • Bridgette

    I am humbled to report that my hypothesis was, alas, badly flawed.

    I sorely underestimated the strength of my own sign: Pisces. I asserted that there would be far fewer Pisces than any other sign who got the guts to leave the Org AND to speak out about it--and they actually dominated the survey!! I'm so proud of my fellow fishies--we can get gumption when we've had enough.
    And Cancers: our "sister" sign made a good showing, too. The fatal underestimation of the org of a Cancer would be when asked to shun a child or close family member or friend--wouldn't do it.
    Sag and Aries females made a GREAT showing. Not surprising.
    Nathan Natas: a Leo! Who woulda thunk it! hehehe. Leo's are far too intelligent and regal to stay with a sinking ship such as the org.
    Librans were the only close to correct assumptions I had. They made quite a good showing. Too social and balanced for cult life.
    I also asserted that there would be far more Aquarians than any other sign here. And they made only a mediocre showing (this could be due to the fact that a hardcore Aquarian might view such an exercise as futile ). However, now that I know which posters are Aquarians, it makes perfect sense.
    Scorpios and Taurus also made a strong appearance--Scorpios are just too cool. And Taureans, well, I thought that they would not make a strong appearance, but they surprised me!
    and just the fact that I got ANY VIRGOS surprises the hell out of me--you go, Virgos!! More power to ya!! Like Taureans, once you leave--you'll never go back.
    Capricorns and Gemini's--do not feel alone. Sure, there were not as many of you, who responded, but take heart! You probably are just more apt to have a very busy, fulfilling life after leaving. Most Capricorns are probably in college making straight A's, or managing successful corporations, and would have no time to invest much on DB's. Gemini's are probably having too much fun in actual reality to notice this silly internet business.

    Aaaah, and I had one individual, INTROSPECTION who has successfully transcended the Kharmic astrologic wheel in his many re-births and has become a Master! He has obviously been sent here to guide us and has much to teach us. Teach me, oh great one! (*Bridgette bowing in Wayne's World fashion --"I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy!*)
    So, the overall conclusion of my "findings" is this: no matter what sign you were born under no matter where, or when or what your personality is, unless you check your intellect and free thought, along with all your dreams, hopes and ambitions at the door--*deep breath* living in a cult sucks!!!
    Thank you, that is all.

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