Hey baby, what's your sign?

by Bridgette 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • gotcha

    i'm a taurus too....do taureans (?) tend to be too trusting? i'm just wonderin..

  • Tina

    Hi Bridge,
    lol I'll play-Gemini here,June :> hugs,T

    si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes

  • Introspection

    I am now this!

  • outnfree

    Yes, you ARE Beautiful, Intro!

    Hi, Bridgette!

    Capricorn. Dec. 25, 1954

    WE'RE older than dirt, MommieD! LOL


    Par dessus toutes choses, soyez bons. La bonte est ce qui ressemble le plus a Dieu et ce qui desarme le plus les hommes -- Lacordaire

  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    looks like i am the only cap dec/30/73

  • TR

    Aquarians (fiercely independant, logical thinkers) 1/21/61


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • Cowboy

    Well,since you were looking for a Libra,you can count me....

    Speaking of balance-
    "I know there's a balance,I see it when I swing past"(John Mellencamp)

  • Sirona

    13 September 1975, Virgo


  • Tatiana

    Bridgette, sorry, I'm with Lilacs and Sunchild. I'm a SAG! November 26. And red hair.

    Intro, love your sign!


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • MrMoe

    Well - I am an Aquarius born under a Pisces moon – which makes for an odd combo. Aquarius usually come across as cold-hearted, but that Pisces tender side in me comes out quite often.

    I agree that various personalities are more likely to leave due to independent thinking or bad temper, but each sign as a weakpoint when it comes to being a potential ex-JW. So, I will play the devil's advocate and say I don't quite agree with that theory. Tender hearted people can leave the JW's just as easily due to hurt feelings (you know - stumbling.)

    Aquarius (Independent, logical, humanitarian, a bit "weird”, hard to understand, gets along with most people, impatient)

    Taurus (Very Stubborn and occasional bad temper)

    Scorpio (Independent, stubborn, bad temper, very sexual, great in bed)

    Gemini (split personality, fun-loving, tends to not take matters too seriously, can have mean streak and tender side)

    Leo (Hard headed, argumentative, temper can flair although bark is worse than bite, likes to be noticed and admired, often attractive)

    Sagittarius (party hardy, friendly and sexual)

    Pieces (passionate, tender hearted)

    Aries (Independent, cheerful, passionate and very stubborn)

    Cancer (sultry, occasional moodiness)

    Virgo (Good friends unless they are crossed, honest, enjoys nice things, non-conventional, trend setter)

    Capricorn (abides by rules, high-achiever, good with money, good at politics)

    Libra (don’t know a whole lot about – but there is this really great song…)

    These are the only ones I can remember, although I am sure I’m missing a few. And, it just so happens that I do see some correlation with astrological signs and personalities, although anybody with any of these traits is likely to leave the JW’s, just maybe some more than others?

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