I read Franz' books before I left (secretly). Even though I had all this knowledge either stored in the back of my head or in front, it took repeated constant info to make me know for a certainty that it wasn't a matter of "waiting on Jehovah". The JW religion was simply just wrong.
If You Didn't Have The Internet & Places Like This, Would U Still Be a JW?
by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends
I left long before I was aware of sites like this, before I even owned a computer. I just decided I no longer belonged in the WTBTS, and gradually tapered off in meeting attendance. The fact that I was taking evening classes helped a LOT, as I had a genuine excuse for not being present Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Eventually, I stopped attending the Sunday meeting as well, then I moved and mostly forgot those people.
It would have been cool if the internet had helped me out but I left before the net. It is icing on the cake tho'. I love it. And I just found out that my brother and sister (they're not jws) have been doing research on the net about the jws. It helps to understand why our parents are so crazy.
I wonder if this generation of Witnesses is profoundly affected by the internet.
I left without the aide of the web.
I knew that the JW life style was not for me.
No. I think that Bernie ( my one and only brain cell) would come to see how wrong the religion really is, also with my sister getting ill I know that I would give blood if asked to without thinking about it for a second.
I think most witnesses stear clear of xjw sites out of fear of the apostates so I don't think they leave the WTS because of sites like this one. However, once they begin to fade then they turn to the Internet. That was the case with me. And I'm grateful for what I've learned online because before I thought they had the Truth and I just wans't good enough.
I think I would still have been fading like I am now, but I wouldn't have had such clear reasons why.
An elder would most likely have been successful in bringing me back by quoting scripture and the like, guilting me into coming back.
There are a whole lot of things I've learned about the big issues in life in literally only the last couple of years, and with no internet I doubt I'd have learned what I know now. Unless perhaps I had gone to the library and borrowed some books instead.
I did not fade/quit because of internal JW scandals (I knew little to nothing about those), or because of bad things people in the congregation did. It started because I had questions I couldn't get answers for (unless I would settle for "Jehovah will reveal it in due time", "Trust Jehovah", "You'll have eternity to figure that out" etc.) and I couldn't in good conscience go out and teach people things I myself didn't believe in. It was all downhill from there. - Or things were looking up, depending on how you see it. ;-)
the dreamer dreaming
I think what helped erase most of my doubts was a single book call armegeddon delayed, which detailed everything I already knew, but from a perspective that I had not seen, and now that my mind was no longer making excuses for JW interpretations, I could see the Belief System for the BS it was.
I was already out for 24 years before I found JWD, so no it wouldn't have made a difference. I wish I had JWD when i left for the support and friendships.