I left over 24 yrs ago, long before Al Gore invented the internet.
If You Didn't Have The Internet & Places Like This, Would U Still Be a JW?
by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends
There's a lot of old hardcore "apostates" here.
I left without researching online at all, but finding this site was great to realize I wasn't alone!
So far, from what I can see, blaming the internet, as the Society does, might not be the issue for JWs leaving.
Brain Dead
Not for my self, but luckily for those just on their way out now it makes things a little easer, there are resources and support on the net which people can use.
And it is quite possible the WTS is in a motion to put more security around their ligature away from the general public, the members only WT for example,
It would seem that the WTS is starting to operate a little diiferently.... I wonder why they've have nothing to hide or do they ?
Brain Dead
The inter-net was deliberately created and started by Satan and his wicked evil sources, to dissuade people to come and be a part of god's earthly organization
WT - June /06 Dam you Satan
Nathan Natas
I left about 30 years ago, when the internet was a taut string between two Orange Juice cans.
I have "met" many remarkable and admirable apostates because of the internet, though, so I am thnkful for it.
At the bottom of it all I come here for the chicks.
The ducks are OK, but it's the chicks I really like. Cracked corn, anyone?
NOPE!!!! I fell away long before I ever started reasearching JWs or ex-JWs. The way I was treated by my "brothers and sisters" made me want to get the hell out!!!!
Back in 83, I dont think Al Gore had invented the Internet yet, but I did live through Armegeaddon in 1975, That was a very liberating experience.
I read Franz's books several years after I left and they validated and fortified my feelings about the organization.
I left over 25 years ago....Long before the Internet was available. It was a lot harder to find information and you were a lot more isolated from what was going on in JW land
IN 1997 I got my first computer and one of the first things I researched was JW's.
Boy was that an eye opening experience
Today the difference between being in or out is only a mouse click away and more questioning JW's are clicking that mouse