Just curious as to what difficulties have faced people dating as an ex jw. Myself, I have noticed the glazed over look in a guy's eyes when you try to explain why your family doesn't celebrate the holidays with you etc. New to this board, so if this has been well covered before, please forgive me.
Has anyone found dating as an EX JW difficult?
by sweetstuff 50 Replies latest social relationships
Myself, I have noticed the glazed over look in a guy's eyes when you try to explain why your family doesn't celebrate the holidays with you etc.
Not really.... not any harder than when i was jw.
I just leave the jw stuff out of conversations completely.
But isn't it logical that at some point it will come up?
Yes. It does come up but I dont give a bunch of details they wont understand.
"My family is brainwashed and in a cult. They do not celebrate (X) holiday"
Trust me, I believe I communicate very well. They still get the glazed over look. I realized that they are not capable of understanding. Therefore I just leave out the details.
I think what is difficult for me is just to have gone through the whole expericance.
It makes us different, I told one person that I used to be a JW and it really turned him off.
Well I haven't dated yet since mentally leaving the Borg, so I wouldn't know. I hope it wouldn't make things difficult when I do though.
It defenitely does make you different, I sometimes wondering if dating other ex jw's would be better, because at least they would GET where you come from. Hmm, downside to that, what if they go back?? LOL
I think from now on I will only date EXJWs, there bypassing this problem...
Lets see....
Never talking to girls when I was a teenager because of my crazy elder step-dad didn't help.
Being disfellowshipped at 22 and not talking to anyone for 2 years didn't help.
Finally getting out at 27 and seeing that the world is nothing like they say didn't help.
Yeah, socially we were so prepared weren't we?? I mean, given the opportunity as young adults to date, find out what we liked, didn't like etc. Oh wait, that was the life of a non witness, my bad! Someone should write a dating manual I think, explaining what its like to grow up in the "truth" (gag, sorry couldn't be helped) maybe call it...101 Ways to Explain Your JW Social Handicap. Might come in handy during a new relationship, no talk, just hand him or her the book. Let's see, chapter one..Why I never had a date in high school. Chapter two..Why I was a virgin so freaking long..anyone have an idea for chapter three? he he