I've not necessarily had a problem due to my JW upbringing. The problem has been that I meet assholes...LOL. When it has come up, the guy is normally very intrigued and wants to hear more of my story. As far as only dating ex-jws, I feel that I would once again be narrowing my options. There are millions of people out there who have had messed up lives, no matter how they were raised.
Has anyone found dating as an EX JW difficult?
by sweetstuff 50 Replies latest social relationships
I've not necessarily had a problem due to my JW upbringing. The problem has been that I meet assholes...LOL. When it has come up, the guy is normally very intrigued and wants to hear more of my story. As far as only dating ex-jws, I feel that I would once again be narrowing my options. There are millions of people out there who have had messed up lives, no matter how they were raised.
I really don't get into the JW stuff. If religion comes up I just mention that at one point in my life I was a JW but, since I was the only person in my family that was a JW I don't mind telling them that I do all the holiday stuff with my family. However, I do think it would be easy to date an ex-JW since they might understand my position on religion.
I just remembered how I explained it to several gals...
"I used to be a Jehovah's Witness... but I'm all better now." *twitch* *twitch*
That usually evoked laughter - and then we continued with the evening.
Jim TX
I dunno.
Do you think everyone in the "world" has found dating fun, exciting and easy?
Re: Has anyone found dating as an EX JW difficult?
Haven't even tried really. I've been divorced now since '99. Tried some dating sites, but nothing really.
I've been to a couple of "fests" and like the ex JW's the best.
There were some weird moments, especially to start with. I'm now with another ex-JW so we both know exactly where we are coming from- its great.
Like a number of posters have said, I find just saying I grew up in a cult, doesn't work, that always leads to more and more questions and a more puzzled and holy crap that's wacked look on the guy's face. LOL
I think saying its like being Amish is a good idea, although alot of people out there now, are really misinformed about JW's. They think they are just another, albeit, fanatical, christian religion. I would think dating an ex jw would be easier, you dont' have to explain anything, they would automatically get where you are coming from. But I certainly, like sweetface said,wouldn't limit myself to only ex jw's. Having never dated an ex jw though, I would definitely find it an interesting idea.
Like a number of posters have said, I find just saying I grew up in a cult, doesn't work, that always leads to more and more questions and a more puzzled and holy crap that's wacked look on the guy's face. LOL
I am still curious as to why anyone feels that it even needs to enter into the conversations. Yes, it should be addressed, but in my opinion, not until it would take a turn into becoming something serious. First off, being raised as we were, is a very traumatic experience that leaves you emotionally and mentally scarred. That's like telling your date, "Hey, btw, I was an abused child and I have ISSUES". No one wants to hear that and it's no one's business. Secondly, even by bringing it up, most people start getting very negative and bashing the religion. This is not attractive. I would liken that to telling your date, "I am divorced and my ex did this, that, and the other and made my life a living hell!" This is a DATE, not a therapy session. Only when your date would enter into a s/o status should these things even be entered into the picture. At that time the person cares enough about you to want to learn more and help you heal.
well I only dated one person seriously after leaving the cult.. he had worked with some dubs and thought they were nice, but the more I talked about what it was like, the more he thought how weird this JW stuff was.. When I had some exJWs come to visit, he gained more understanding about what I meant just listening to us..
Now he totally pretty much gets it.. but we broke up for tottally unrelated reasons.. He was Muslim (still unrelated).. I know I won't date a Muslim again.. I want to celebrate Xmas with someone..
and some xJs do not celebrate either.. so while it would be interesting to date a exdub.. for sure if he is relationship material.. I insist on him celebrating Xmas...