not sure what to do about this...

by dobbie 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • dobbie

    IP_SEC he has changed totally since i d'ad last oct/nov. Before that he couldn't cope at all and was a nervous wreck who couldn't stick up for us, but now esp.since his mother said when we told her i was pregnant that she wasn't allowed to come and see it because of me he has toughened up and is absolutely brilliant. In fact he is more of an 'apostate' than i am and tells everyone about it all!!!I am very proud of him it is so hard for him.

  • changeling

    Take the high road I say. Don't stoop to their level of uncivilized and antisocial behavior. Show up and make them squirm when they see you are a better person then them.


  • free2think

    I think you should do what feels right for you.


  • dobbie

    Well, we sent the card even though hubs was dead against it. Her dad passed away last week so we sent a bereavement one to her and to her mother. Anyway she was in the school playground this morning and moved away from me and was deliberately avoiding my eye, hubby was stood next to me, she went up to him and said 'thanks for the card ****' and walked away. I'm glad she had the decency to thank him but its funny as i was the one whosent them whilst he was the one who was against that!Guess i'm still the evil uncaring apostate and always will be now. Part of me wishes i hadn't bothered now so i suppose that means i AM evil! I guess i should be used to being invisible after 10 months of it but just a 'thanks' would have been nice....

  • Es

    Hey hun I would send a card, your better than these people.

    I send my folks an anniversary present every year....I dont want to stoop to there level, and who knows it may just one day click for them that we arent bad people after all.

    All the best


  • Es

    just read your last post, I know what that feels like too, my folks sent a thank you card addressed to Mike for there anniversary present!!!!

    But again Im going to continue to send them one

  • JK666


    All you can do is keep your side of the street clean. You are powerless over what others do. Just do what you feel is right, and let the rest fall into place.



  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I am glad you took the high road on this one.

    Perhaps we should now send her a card from JWD'ers? We could all send one [that should be a mailbox full], like this;

    Dear JW Sister in Law of Dobbie;

    As regards 'shunning', you score a 10. That should make Brooklyn happy. As regards 'love' as exemplified by Jesus, you score a 0.

    I wonder which master will 'save' your sorry ass?

  • OnTheWayOut
    Well, we sent the card even though ....

    I felt your pain in that post. You did the right thing. These folks are captives of the cult. You didn't
    let their incorrect controlled programing change what you should have done. You would have done
    more, like be there for them, but that was unwelcome. Plus they knew you were there if they
    sought you out.

    While each case must be examined on it's own, I maintain that we should not let their wrong
    thinking change who we are. If I were shunned, I would still let family know how I am occasionally.

  • dobbie

    oh Es thats so upsetting and frustrating, not even to be acknowledged. They miss out on so much.

    Thanks guys i shouldn't moan when others have it much harder but i have done so much for these family members in the past, been there for them and bent over backwards and i feel used i guess. Also the annoying thing is that though i get cross sometimes and say i hope they never come to me for anything, i know full well i'd help out if they needed it.

    You are right OTWO i was upset this morning over it, plus my nephew asked her if he could come to our house later and she told him no, as it appears they don't want him and his cousin my son to play anymore. He is always coming up to me in the playground and asking me this and she gets her jw friend sto get him away from me. That is upsetting as they all blame me for it for leaving, but if i hadn't left they'd have df'd me anyway and theres just no nice way out.

    Okay rant over, off to have a big bit of chocolate cake now that'll help a bit! yes i may even eat the whole cake lol!

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