Have you ever sat at a convention or assembly and heard an experience from the platform about how some asswipe pioneer received a bundle of cash for their car repairs, "just in time to keep going in the pioneer service". Or some other form of material advantage, credited to God as the provider.
Now, let's for a wee minute, assume that these were actual blessings from God. He actually took action. He looked at the pioneers situation and arranged things so that they were materially provided for.
Is it just me or is that not God doing something, taking action on behalf of someone for non-spiritual reasons?
You see, when it comes to a brother being decapitated or a witness sister being raped by soldiers or a kid being molested, they will say this;
"Ahh, but god only protects his people in a SPIRITUAL sense".
Well, blow me! These people worship a god that will put £200 or $$$`s through some pioneers letterbox (action required on the part of Jehover). But, he will not save (take action for) a baby/infant/child from a terrifying experience of molestation. Sometimes repeated time after time for years.
See Jehovah. I don't like him.
I think he is a poor excuse for a father figure. I step in to protect my kids for ANYTHING. I take action for them at any given time, no matter what.