Keep us posted,
you go girl
by AWAKE&WATCHING 66 Replies latest jw friends
Keep us posted,
you go girl
I can imagine that this is a very difficult situation to go through as well as a challenging decision to make.
I wish the best to you!
I haven't read everyone's responses yet (trying to catch up).
Anyway, I think that maybe there has been other things building up to this, you don't find too many women who just up and leave all of a sudden. Usually things are going down hill for awhile and then there is 1 thing that makes you say enough is enough!
I hope that things work out for you. Sometimes we have to make drastic changes in our lives in order to really be the person that we are. Good luck and please let us know how you are doing.
I'm sorry that happened to you.
I really don't have anything profound to say, but wish I did.
How about a flower?
Leaving a bad marriage is not easy, but as each day passes and you get a little happier and enjoy the freedom--it is worth it. Good luck!
So sorry that, that had to happen to you. But i do understand your feeling on this control business. I am having same type of problem with my spouse. Came home from the hall today and spouse starts in "why didn't you clap when the brother got done with his talk," my answer was "I don't just clap because someone gives a talk I only clap at those talks I really aprreciate and that are done well." This started another fight with the spouse and the spouse is trying to be very controlling of how I conduct myself at their supposed spiritual meetings. That even means the book regurge, the sales meeting, and public talk. I think that, that just about did it as I told spouse I don't believe that I will be attending any more meetings for awhile as my attendance seems to aggravate you and you are constantly looking for something to negativitely comment about and I am very very tired of it so it will be better for us if I don't attend said meeting for awhile if ever again. Now spouse isn't talking, whopee!!!! and of course has run off to the casino (yes I said the casino to salve their hurt feelings). Talk about you average hyprocrite!!! I don't care if the spouse goes to the casino once in awhile as that is a form of recreation but can you believe the b.s. I have to go through with them???
Of course you get kind words, A&W. I am Black, and believe you me, I know how controlling and anal Black men can be. It's a cultural thing, but that doesn't make it right. I've been married twice and left them both because of the same issue.
I'm telling you the same thing I tell my two daughters: Take no guff, cut no slack; kick them to the curb and don't look back! Now why do I have a hankering for a root beer?
I am Black, and believe you me, I know how controlling and anal Black men can be.
I imagine this has been a long time coming. Take care of yourself! Only you know what is best for you right now.
for every person who has the guts to leave, there are probably hundreds who wish they could leave but for one reason or another, they can't. My shrink said a study in the UK showed that length of marriage has more to do with ability to endure suffering than love. More mature people cut their losses early on and leave.