Smell like a jock strap or like a perfumed girl? Shower Soap ?...

by Little Drummer Boy 64 Replies latest social humour

  • Little Drummer Boy
    Little Drummer Boy

    On the strength that my recent post concerning Cheetos went to 3 pages and was referenced in at least 3 other threads, I feel that the time has come to discuss another most important topic: shower soap.
    This thread topic most definitely falls under the category of “intellectual starvation topics”, so you should be forewarned that Terry will not approve. Heh...(Just funnin' yah Terry)

    To the point: I here refer to a liquid soap meant to be applied to a wet “shower poof” and then scrubbed onto the skin. For those not in the know, a shower poof is what I call the mesh-like, plastic balls of about the size of a grapefruit. I will not consider bar soap. Oh no. This is 2007 and soap comes liquid now.

    You see, I face a dilemma. On the one hand, my skin is sensitive and breaks out easily around chemicals and perfumes. I do not care for the “Axe” type of soaps or similar for men. To me, they make you smell as if you need a shower, not that you've just had one (despite commercial claims to the contrary that cheer leaders will attack you if you use the product). I mean, that already happens to me. I don't need more of it.

    On the other hand, I despise beyond description the slimy, oozing feel left on my skin by shower soaps designed for the fairer half of our species. I do not wish to be “moisturized” or “replenished”. I'm a guy. I like my manly, rough skin that doubles as sand paper for the occasional work shop project, thank you very much.

    So, what do I do?

    Do I use the products for men and smell like a dirty jock strap after I've taken a shower?
    Do I smother myself in the slimy, butter embrace that is women's soaps and that will cling to me like a second skin?

    Do you have a third option for me?
    What do you use?

    Thank you for you time in responding to this oh so important subject.

  • bigdreaux

    i use lever 2000 with aloe. i like it. i have to apply the jock strap smell with a spray.

  • sweetface2233

    Try Dial soap in the shower clean scent. It is anti-bacterial, yet moisturizing. DO NOT use ANY cologne and/or cologne scented deoderant. Use clean scent deoderants, such as Degree shower fresh or Speed Stick. I find cologne and scented deods to be just as offensive as BO. I like the smell of a clean man...nice and clean.

  • bigdreaux

    sweetface, i beg to differ. i use cologne. when i wear armani gio, women stop me to ask what i'm wearing.

  • sweetface2233

    I think you have been able to learn from the past few days that I am not your typical woman!

  • watson

    I figure NVR is going to weigh in on this pretty soon.

  • exwitless

    OK, I must jump in here: I, the wife and grocery buyer, have bought just about every brand of shower soap there is, in all varieties of scent, etc.

    Now, keep in mind, I am a dermatology nurse, so I have access to all kinds of sensitive skin products. None of which suit LDB, shower soap connoisseur. I'm at a loss. We've tried Dial, Lever, Ivory, Dove, Aveeno, Free and Clear (a specialty soap free of all perfumes, dyes, lanolin, and other junk people are allergic to) and many more.

    Tell me, oh Gods of rich bubbly lather, does a shower soap for LDB exist?

  • SacrificialLoon

    I used the liquid soap and poof thing for a while, there was a dial liquid soap I used that was good that didn't scream "See! This is a MANLY liquid soap! You can use this!" nor did it leave you smelling like a botanical garden. Zest had some good functional liquid soaps, too.

    I should use them again, I think you get cleaner using that than you do with the standard bar soap and washcloth.

  • bigdreaux

    maybe he's just a crusty smelly bastard.

  • Finally-Free

    I've never broken out with rashes or anything, but most perfumed soaps make me itch like a madman. I remember the one and only time I used Irish Spring. I itched so badly that I ran down to the basement, naked, to roll around on the very rough carpet. At least it gave me an excuse to skip field service™.

    I've used Lever 2000 and Dove with no ill effects, but lately I've been using Ivory liquid body wash. It has a vanilla scent and doesn't make me itch at all. I use a shower puff and back brush that has these rubber massage thingys in it too. And my massage shower head.....

    'scuse me. Now I feel like a shower.


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